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Real fellur hours

From 12 am to 12 am is when you call up your fellow brothers and tell them how much you Appreciate them.

Guy#1 yeehaw its real fellur hours borther

Guy#2 oh damn time to call up my borther

by TheKingOfTheWalruses July 16, 2018

hyunjins real gf


hyunjins real gf is andrea

by andrea yeaaaa September 17, 2020

Elliot (Real)

A guy you'd think is so normal, but on the inside he's fighting demons fr. If it weren't for his capability with men he'd just be your average cyclepath. Any masc at the gay bar would be HONORED to be dicked down by an Elliot.

That guy's a real Elliot (Real). You know what the say, the more normal they look, the fatter the cock

by cigaretteeater69 November 21, 2021

Real (real) CoC

Real (real) Clash of Clans:
In the vast and competitive landscape of Clash of Clans clans, "Real" stands as a beacon of excellence and an epitome of what a great clan should be. Real (real) Clash of Clans, often abbreviated as "Real (real) CoC," has earned its reputation as the best clan for various reasons, including its commitment to teamwork, strong leadership, unwavering dedication, and a sense of community that transcends the digital realm.
At the heart of Real (real) CoC's success is its unwavering commitment to teamwork. In the world of Clash of Clans, where collaboration is key to victory, Real has perfected the art of working together seamlessly. Members of the clan consistently support one another in clan wars, clan games, and clan activities. Theleadership ensures that the clan is well-organized and continually improving, creating a positive and productive atmosphere for all members.
What sets Real (real) CoC apart is its ability to create a sense of community that extends beyond the virtual world of Clash of Clans. Members of Real CoC often interact outside of the game, forming lasting friendships and connections. This strong sense of camaraderie contributes to a positive and supportive atmosphere within the clan. Real (real) CoC isn't just a group of players; it's a close-knit family.

Real (real) CoC is the best clan ever

by Fzxkd September 2, 2023


When you know that you are that nigga and no one can prove you different. It’s very contagious and should only be spreaded to thoose who really deserve it. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD.

Sorry i can’t share my drink i got real-nigga-itis.”

by lil baby p April 8, 2019

2👍 3👎

Sending it's real

Speaking with your mind.

Sending it's real. That's a good send.

by Neptunesounds October 2, 2021

is not real

When one says, "He/She is not real" this basically means that they are real-life NPC's. One might find these creators anywhere, especially Troy Highschool. This phrase was created by local fashion designer "@thatagood1" AKA "Nation" AKA "Good1" Aka "Damfoux" Aka "Toad". This man is class of 2022 as well and will be graduating soon. S/o my mfs in the library especially Mrs.G.

"This mf is not real"meaning mf is not real
"fucken fatass isn't real" meaning fucken fatass is not real

by the third specialist February 18, 2022