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Anceli is a strong, resilient, kind, well educated, creative & smart woman without losing her sweetness, a hopeless romantic who believes in love, and a happy life shared with the right person.

Anceli is artistic, sarcastic, has an AWESOME sense of humor, she is a good soul who is always willing to listen and provide good advice to others, she admires people with great emotional intelligence.

Anceli has a high awareness of the impact of emotions in the mind & spirit that's why her emotional intelligence is above average which allows her to not give importance to the hurtful words or actions of others and to not take things personally.

Anceli is a professional "personality-reader", she has a great ability to read people fast, to detect lies and phoniness in people as well as the love, compassion & good intentions in others.

She has struggled her whole life to achieve financial stability but it has been difficult for her to break the pattern of poverty she has lived in since she was a kid, but, nothing can stop her or kill the fighter she has in herself.

She loves expressing emotion, loves hugs, long kisses, and displays of affection from the man who pursues her love.

Anceli has never been in love, she hopes she won't die without experiencing loving a man & being loved in return.

Anceli is brave, a dreamer, a doer, a woman who will be completely happy when she wakes up without financial uncertainty & living happily with a man she falls in love with.

Anceli has always the right advice for others
Anceli is a great listener
Anceli expects to find somebody to share an awesome life with!

by AlmaBuena May 24, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A person who thinks she’s cool but actually spends 99% of her life trying to do tiktoks that no one cares about.

She is such an anc
That group of people are all just ancs

by Hiimsillygal123 May 30, 2020

19πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A smart hoe

she is such an anc

by A RaNdOm BiTch WhO iS A hOe May 20, 2022

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


(noun) A ritual that involves summoning the spirit of a dead person in order to sue said spirit

Kyle: Aw, he's dead?
Stan: So then we can't sue him?
Attorney: Why not? You can always sue somebody. It's just gonna take some special protocol. We would have to perform a sue-ance.

by snakemasterepic January 13, 2018

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A person to whom your were once engaged to, broke up with or called off engagement, and then you get back together without him asking for your hand in marriage again.

Girl, I don’t want to here about your fake-ance and those wack wedding plans.

by drsforreal October 1, 2018


When your comuppance is a fuck up.

The bad karma you receive after you fuck up something for somebody else.
This generally occurs when the other party involved wishes ill intentions on you.

Julias Caesar: "To: Brute, your fuckup-ance will come".

by Damiano DeMonte October 21, 2007

26πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


To run and dance at once, simultaneously.

While listening to loud Michael Jackson on my ipod, I run-anced through my neighborhood, like a dancin' fool.

by akagloria August 2, 2015