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The sound you will make when you are really pissed off and frustrated.

Argh!!!!! Your dog just pooped in my pool.

by Bobby Lacoke Boss (aka BLB Jo) November 8, 2017


Sound of true fear

Bob:Iโ€™m cheating on you

by Semaj1746 June 19, 2019


A noise one make's when one sits on a belaying pin.

Not to be confused with Arrr, which is a pirate noise of agreement, or, whatever the pirate wishes it to be at that moment.

Argh, that hurt!

by Someone December 23, 2003

80๐Ÿ‘ 86๐Ÿ‘Ž


Argh is an expression of frustration or anger. When Urght is not suffice, Argh is more extreme.

Teacher: I'm sorry, Sam, you failed you exam.
Sam: ARGH!
Teacher: Excuse me?
Sam: ARGH!!! *facepalm at self and walk away*

Dude: ARGH I burnt my hand in the fire!!

by TooHipsterToBeCool November 6, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word used when feeling frustrated, or when you are feeling pirate-y.

John: I failed my math test? Argh!!

by Beerhead March 16, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


"Argh!" or "Argh", word used usually by fat drunken monks in Forgotten realms and other rpg-systems. Argh can be a greeting, laughting or whatever else. Maybe little same as "Yo".

"Argh! You stole my beers!"

"Argh comrade!"

"Argh, that last ale was too much."


by Nametus December 19, 2005

56๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž

On argh!

A word use to be a respond to anythings.
and also a word can be use to support others people.
I use to speak this with my friends from Sibu and it's fun!

A:Have you ate?
B:On argh!

C:Wanna go watch a movie?
D:On argh! (means ok)

E:Are you happy?
F:On argh!

E:Hello how yor doin?
A:On argh!

by Kencsc July 6, 2011