Source Code

Att Boy

When someone is being an eed-ee-att aka idiot.

Tyrone, stop snorting the henny and being an att boy.

by @6god April 17, 2019

4👍 2👎

atte show

a show that lies about the genre while having permission to do so

yo, i just watched a comedy atte show and it was actually a scary horror!

by dictonaryboy May 23, 2023

Pumpkin Spice Cock-atte

(n) the process of an anal plundering resulting in the partner's asshole gaping open and you pouring a pumpkin spice latte down the throbbing wet hole then proceeding to slurp out the delicious beverage afterwards.

Rob could not wait for his delicious Pumpkin Spice Cock-atte.

by ShowMeThemTD's October 9, 2015

8👍 3👎

Har du en dator som du tror att vi har användning för, tveka inte att maila någon arrangör om det

sumone who speaks a foriegn lanhuage who gets pisses off while loosing in counter strike

fuck i got AWPed again!!!

by mikez0r August 18, 2003

14👍 50👎


A terrorist who likes to blow up stuff

who was the one to blow up the school
"it was atte"

by nahkajari January 11, 2023


"Ana Till the end"/"anorexic till the end"
you starve yourself until nothing is left or you even die

My friend is now in the hospital, they're atte.

by mow.kid October 24, 2022


Atts means truly a bitch ass cunt , she is in love with Shans and Zain because they all flirt and should go to Franzos as a three way date

Atts is a cunt

by Abdul kadar November 4, 2020