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abandonment spooge

drips of water that probably contain lead, asbestos, pigeon shit and a host of other horrors, that fall on your head while wandering around abandoned buildings.

I was heading to the admin and a drop of abandonment spooge went down the back of my shirt.

by Shadowsandrust February 7, 2010

Abandonment Culture

In dysfunctional families, abandonment culture takes on many forms of abandoning family members rather than having a sense of compassion, love and responsibility for one another. Abandonment culture can also be a part of society as a whole, having no sense of social responsibility for people living in poverty, homelessness, etc...

"We dropped grandma off at the nursing home because she's getting old. We're keeping abandonment culture alive and well."
"Your brother is down on his luck and is facing homelessness? He can't live with us, keeping abandonment culture strong."
"You're about to turn 18, we have no sense of family so I have to kick you out now as abandonment culture is a part of this defective family."
"You're pregnant, don't expect me to be there for this child. I plan on establishing abandonment culture in this family immediately."

by Roxass February 15, 2014

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abandoned chip

when you leave a chip in salsa or any other kind of dip.

Damn it, I dropped my chip in the salsa bowl, now its an abandoned chip.

by ObamaOwnz October 20, 2010

Abandon The Bun

When a diner or restaurant hamburger is too big to finish so you get rid of the bun and eat the beef.

Mike- Wow Chris this burger is huge, I can't even fit it in my mouth!
Chris- Hey dude i think you should abandon the bun.

by Nicholas Giampietro December 30, 2009

abandoned pools

a wicked ass band that also did the theme song to Clone High U.S.A

"way, way back in the 1980's
secret goverenment employees
dug up famous guys and ladies
and made amusing genetic copies"

- Abandoned Pools (Clone High theme)

by candypiant_on_foz January 28, 2006

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Reckless Abandon

1. It's idiomatic English, means roughly "without care or regard for consequences".
2. Title of a Blink 182 song

Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.

by funfsinn14 December 15, 2008

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Abandoned In The Cart

Having to shit terribly bad, then suddenly the feeling goes away.

Dude, last night after some greasy Mexican food, I felt like my gut was about to explode. I sat down on the bowl and 5 minutes later it was abandoned in the cart.

by SunDevil1959 December 5, 2016