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The Jim Abbot

Fisting oneself in the anus, thus making it look like you have no hand.

I thought that chick had no hand, but realized she was just giving herself The Jim Abbott.

by Brian & Nick April 19, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Newton abbot

Apsolute shit heap full of roadmen, chavs and pedophiles but the market is nice for 5p sour lollies

Person 1 - Ew look at that chav over there!
Person 2 - oh yeah they live in Newton abbot
Person 1- not surprised.

by Pickleypucks September 16, 2020

Newton Abbot

A large market town in south Devon inhabited by drunken Londoners and Chavs. The town became a shithole in the 1980s after Dr Beeching closed down the townโ€™s railway works. Every street is full of Charity shops, Turkish barbers and takeaways. Large communist and Fascists movement has blighted the schoolโ€™s.

โ€œHey man, is their a place more chavy than Birmingham?โ€

โ€œYeah, itโ€™s called Newton Abbotโ€

by Baconflavouredcrisps December 25, 2018

tony abbot

Generally mistaken for a shaved ape hated by all Australians a disgusting taste of clothing aka speedo's and laughs at every thing and a massive dumbass

wow tony abbot is a budgie smuggler

by THEnerdyGUY June 20, 2014

45๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Abbot

Also know as the man incased in iron. One day when he was reading a book, the arch villian of Guildford 'Superdouche' poured pig iron over him. For centuries he has remained like that and can still be seen in Guildford on top of the High Street.

Wow look its the man incased in iron!

by The Bearded Lady of Guildford April 13, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kick Abbot

Almost same definition as "Kick Ass"
The word is used if the person is experiencing comfort in any kind, or has it very good in other ways.

This word is only used in a town called Skien in Norway.
Acctually it's only used in a place called Falkum. Wich is a part of the town, Skien.

There is only about 15 +/1 ppl who use this word frequently.

The word comes from the tv show "South park".

The kids there frequently use the word "Kick-Ass".
So we started using it.
And in one episode there is a guy called "Fat abbot".
So we started calling fat ppl for "Fat abbot".
But one night one of my friends used this variant: This was really "Kick abbot" instead of "Kick Ass". And that is how the word was born.

If you sit down in a really comfy chair you can say "Ohh, this was Kick-Abbot"
Or if you drink something that is really good you can say "Ohh, this was Kick-Abbot"

by bend0r March 20, 2005

13๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

fat abbot

Some guy in the south park episode to do with tree houses. A mini cartoon inside a cartoon. Takes the p*ss out of the cosby show.

I had my jimmy wacked 7 times last week, ill busta cap in your n*gga ass shit.

by Robson July 19, 2005

81๐Ÿ‘ 88๐Ÿ‘Ž