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Another way of saying advance, a slang most common amongst Nigerians. It is usually used in complement of upcoming birthdays, a way of wishing a person happy birthday in advance.

Smith:I turns a year older tomorrow

Iroh: in Addy to you my good friend !

by Badman_yello August 9, 2020

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An amazing,young, beautiful girl. Addy is so talented.She is very athletic.If somebody dates Addy they will never want to lose her. Addy is very clumsy and loves cheer and dance. She is good at math. She has a lot of friends and loves sports such as; softball, dance, cheer, soccer, baseball, and basketball. The thing that bothers Addy the most is when someone says that all-star cheer is not a sport. If your name is Addy you should cherish every moment because some people are not as lucky as you are to have such a beatify like name.

Addy is the best cheerleader on the team.

by a.4.c.xddy January 26, 2017

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Addy is a girl who is very special. Addy's usually have dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. They are shy at first but once you get to know them they are so funny. They like to sing really loudly and can speak Spanish. Addy's are ballers and all the boys want them. They get down at dances but also in the library. Addy's are an 11/10.

Guy#!: Wow Addy was killing it on the dance floor last night
Guy#2: I know, what a cutie with a bootie.

by thedefinerofmanywords October 14, 2017

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Some kid that's pretty cool and super gay. They aren't a guy, aren't a girl. Who knows what the fuck they are, but they are pretty rad. They're creative and lovely and deserve a lot in life. If you get an Addy in your life, don't let them go because you're losing a really cool person. They're also a hell raiser and a big cutie.

Craig: hey is that addy ?
Kenny: yeah they're one cool kid.

by A tired gay June 17, 2017

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Addy is a VERY opinionated girl. She will not let her voice be silenced. She has very beautiful eyes. She has so much beauty and won’t admit it. She may be a little thick but that’s ok. She is such a feminist. She has a spicy personality and is VERY FEISTY. She says WHAT EVER is on her mind. She is a very strong and talented girl. Expecily in the musical arena. Addy is very aggressive and you don’t want to mess with her. Overall all you want to be friends with her. She has your back and is the realest.

Peroson:bruh you don’t wanna mess with Addy!

by Someone that you don’t need to March 26, 2019

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Big d***

This man has an Addy

by November 23, 2021


A sweet loving girl that is amazing and caring and a great baskeball player she is the best girlfriend you could have and ever asked for

I saw an Addy

by 7th grade January 20, 2019

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