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If you ever meet an Aiden never let them go. They are usually dare devil's that will do anything that sounds like an adventure to them. They have a mind in the gutters all the time but his jokes will make you laugh too. If you ever are lucky enough to date an Aiden he makes you feel like your the only girl in the world. When your in his arms it seems like nothing else matter. And he is a great kisser and will kiss you alot. He always cuddles with you or has his arm around you no matter who is watching. They will stand up for what is right even if no one else agrees with him. They love riding there bike everywhere but most of the time they will ride there bike to where ever there girlfriend is just to see her. Aiden's will do anything for his friends and his girlfriend. They usually get themselves hurt or banged up but that doesn't stop them from doing anything. He is one of the most caring people you will ever meet. He is always there for you no matter what. He is an amazing friend. He always is outside waiting for you and will wait for as long as he needs to. He usually gets himslef in trouble but never is not allowed outside. He is more of a dog person then cats. And if you ever get on an Aiden's bad side your screwed because he is an excellent fighter and will fuck you up. Usually they are cute with strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. Loves football more than any other sport. Is more if the sporty type. There is just way to much to explain about this wonderful boy.

Wow Aiden is a really good kisser!

by aidenlover333 July 14, 2018

56πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A great guy who will treat u like a queen. If he says he loves you he really does and don’t doubt him. He’s very attractive and he kinda plays with fire a lot.
Very good in bed. Usually tells people who he is into/crushing on.

I want me an aiden

by Imhelladaddybitch June 15, 2018

81πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Aiden is the ultimate pussy slayer. His minecraft skills will make ur bitch wet like its Pacific Ocean. He will steal your girl and your wife, or wives if you are muslim. Aiden is the reason local milfs in you are are trying to contact you, because they be looking for Aiden. Aiden slays so much pussy he is the sole reason for over population in the world.

Bro Aiden stop slaying that pussy, we dont wanna surpass China and India m8.

Yo m8 I ve been fucking so much bitches that I am becoming like Aiden.

by SenseiChromosome June 22, 2020

31πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The purest Form of Aiden, Aidan, Aydan etc. The are rare, yet racially superior to the already superior Aidan ary


by Better Aiden May 27, 2019

79πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


Aiden, is an Athletic, hard working, incredible, and nice person. His smile is amazing and just by looking at him you will smile he is so kind and care a lot about others. He is one of the nices people in the world and will do any to help out others He puts friends and family before himself and is not afraid to make a new friend. He might be the quiet kid in class but he has a big heart and is vary talkative nothing that comes out of his mouth is mean because he care about other people. He is sensitive though but is good at hiding it he can get hurt easily do to past relationships or events that have happened In his life. He is easy to forgive because of his incredible personality. Weather you guys are just friends or you are dating keep him around. He has the best lips to kiss and hands to hold he has a perfect body to cuddle or hug and is just one of a kind. He does great at sports (especially soccer and track) he’s so caring and amazing. Once you meet an Aiden never let him go and love him forever because if you don’t you will regret it and want him back in your life but if you hurt him he won’t came back and life will never be the same.

Aiden is the nicest person I’ve ever meet

by Gill roberts July 30, 2021

40πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


An Aiden can be the light of your life, but leave you heartbroken and empty in an instant, so cherish your time together. He gives the best hugs especially since he's always warm, and all your stress and fears just seems to melt away when he holds you in his arms. He's seemingly good at nearly everything, but has a special passion for music. Can act like an egotistical bastard until you're left alone with him, when suddenly you see the other side of him. He loves cuddles and kisses (good at kissing) some things he enjoys: playing instruments, climing trees or just anything he can, being a smartass and proving people wrong, dungeons and dragons.
Sometimes you'll catch hum subtlety dancing to music or with sweater paws looking cute.
He's got gorgeous hazel eyes which go bright green in the sun, and just a glance from him can make you feel like you're floating.
He seems to get hurt doing nearly everything but then denies that he's in pain, typically frustrating his friends
If you're dating an Aiden never let him go. He'll treat you like his universe.
He secretly really craves attention and love so make sure never to ignore him.

Did you see Aiden yesterday? He got hurt again like usual but gee it was funny to watch.

by sad and broken December 13, 2018

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Very caring and trustworthy. It can seem like he’s not very smart/caring but give him a chance. If you find him NEVER loose him. There’s only one like him.

Aiden is nice

by Midnight5785 April 14, 2018

46πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž