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Akash is cooler than a oven on fire. Yeah hes the B O M B . C O M cooler than Beez Kneez.

Damm Toms is so Akash

by Qasuty September 29, 2022


akash in short as gnome who likes strawberry jam with his pancakes, he climes out of his cave like a goddam gremlin, and simps after any female, but worst of all he has anger issues.

bro u see that 2'4 midget ass gremlin looking blastoff

yeah hes akash, hes built like a rotten banana

by crazyoldwoman February 15, 2023


An Indian boy who currently is in 9th grade at Long Reach High School. He has gathered a cult following because of his large male organ in comparison to other South Asian men. Akash is skittish like a hummingbird and enjoys feasting on cat nip every once in a while.

Short midget: That Akash kid is such a strange kid!

Extra short midget: I know! But he's such a lil' cutie!

by goatfarmer77 February 27, 2011

95πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž


A Pleebian. An Indian boy that has to ask out Carly but always fails to.

Akash asked out Carly but instead he got bitchslapped.

by YourDong February 16, 2016

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


A gay person who is a bot at fortnite.

He cant even do proper 90s what a akash

by YOURaBOT January 16, 2019

25πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A word to describe a person who is, overall; hated by society and many people in general. Also used for a person that society looks down upon.

An "Akash" begs someone at school how to get something. However, his constant begging pisses the hell out of his fellow student so he refuses. The "Akash" continues to beg.

by Sanskrit JanaGana January 2, 2012

108πŸ‘ 218πŸ‘Ž


A man who is smart funny and cool. He plays a lot of video games but goes outside a lot. He has very good sex game and has a big penis that he can stick in anyone

He’s such and akash πŸ‘…

by Gamerboy_6969 June 10, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž