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A beautiful smart girl who always seems to have fun. She gets very emotional at times and knows how to get thorough those times. She is kind and caring for others around her. Not a big talker but will talk to you if your gentle. Very insecure about everything and doesn't think highly of them self. For example if someone said she is smart then she wouldn't believe you she'll think she dumb. Alexis is a great person to hang out with and is very loving.

Beautiful smart funny sexy thin Alexis amazing loving

by freshmangoalie March 9, 2016

121๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


You will always fall in love with an "Alexis" when you come across one. an Alexis is One of a kind. Can be either too loud or way to quiet. Shy yet crazy. Always smiling and laughing. She loves music and dirty jokes. She'll finish your sentences. If you're lonely she'll be there for you when you need company.

Friend: I spent time with Alexis
Friend #2: What happened!
Friend: she said I can't tell no one its a secret

by secretttttts January 28, 2015

48๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl who knows what she wants. Shy, nice, and caring. Sensitive, yet doesn't care what other people say. Not always confident. A pretty chill person. Mysterious

Guy one: Dude that girl is so mysterious, its such a turn on!
Guy two: Dudeeee thats an Alexis!

by Mynameisfrank2 August 26, 2011

175๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most gorgeous girl you'll ever meet! Alexis has the most beautiful smile you'll ever see and will light up any room instantly. Her big smile and beautiful big glimmering eyes will brighten you up on the worst days. She is known for her amazing boobs! Everyone, including girls, can't stop staring at them! Shes an amazing kisser and super amazing in bed. Guys will easily fall in love with her. If she falls in love with you, don't let her go, she'll make an amazing wife. Shes one of a kind just like a precious jewel. Alexis's are usually very thoughtful, loving, sweet, honest, wise, sensitive, and have a great sense of humor. You'll always laugh around an Alexis. Her laugh is unforgettable. Alexis's are usually very happy and laugh all the time. Some may mistaken her for a dumb blonde but dont underestimate her, she will be very successful one day. They are very energetic and one of the most bubbly people you'll ever meet. She's always the life of the party. Alexis's have expensive taste, but dont worry shes not a golddigger. Girls are jealous of her and wish they were her, which is understandable because she can get any guy she wants and is dead drop gorgeous.

Guys- Damn Alexis is soo sexy! I'd but a ring on that in a heartbeat!

by Sarah Hayes December 12, 2012

220๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A gorgeous girl with a wonderful heart. She's beautiful inside and out. Not many of her kind exist. She's talented and very artistic. She loves music and she's always there for her friends. She loves to smile and has an adorable laugh. She's irresistable and pretty much everyone loves her. She's a great kisser and very passionate. She's a flirt but when she's in a relationship she's always faithful. She's very loyal, caring, and will always make you laugh. You'll want to be with her 24/7.

Girl - "Man I'm so jealous of her."
Boy - "Oh, you mean that Alexis over there? I want her so bad."
Girl - "Yeah well you know she's taken?"
Boy - "Aww man, I hope there's another Alexis like her out there."
Girl - "Not really."

by someonenotnamedalexis May 25, 2011

199๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


Usually the happy one, always talkitive. loves to dance when she hears music, has a cute laugh. and an amazing smile. Neither short nor tall and is truly beautiful. Usually a great kisser with a great ass, and thinks bj's are nasty. she can brighten a day up for anyone. She is serious but she can hang with the guys. She keeps secrets extremely well, and she is very loyal. A great speller, extremely intelligent, and everything you would want in a girl. She is also very hard to keep. If you are lucky enough to get her and she loves you, give that girl a ring!

Alexis is perfect

by LovelyLadyyGwell May 9, 2013

116๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you're wondering why you can't speak nor breath, don't worry, she's known to make you speechless, and take your breath away. She's loving, caring, laid back, and the most beautiful thing you'll ever lay eye's upon. You can tell her anything without fear of being judged, so talking to her comes naturally. If you give her a compliment, and she denies it, don't worry, she's one of the most humble people you'll ever meet, there isn't the slightest touch of arrogance in her ways. With one or two words, she can make or break you, for she speaks the truth, and when she speaks, her words are spoken as if she was an angel. If you're ever cold, she'll be there to warm you, if you're lonely, she'll be the first to offer company. She only asks to be treated, as she treats you. She knows that to be happy in life, you don't need to be rich, or well off, just with those you love. And if you look into her eyes, you'll experience the most beautiful, warming, and mind numbing sensation known to man. You can get lost in her eyes, but wow, when you look into them.. There's a connection like no other. So, if you're lucky enough to have her in your life, never take it for granted, I don't.


by TheTruth24/7 November 22, 2011

1258๐Ÿ‘ 323๐Ÿ‘Ž