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what about widowmaker

When you want to be widowmaker

What about Widowmaker?
-I'm already Widowmaker.

by plsboi November 29, 2018

what about the menz

A term used by radical feminists to ridicule men's issues and shut down discussions about men's issues.

"Domestic violence is a big problem for women."
"Not just women. 40% of domestic violence is experienced by men."
"Oh noez! What about the menz! lol"

by EgalitarianOne September 16, 2014

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what about bumpin'

A greeting cultivated originally by a New Jersey FFA (Future Farmer's Of America) chapter; used by people on the street to identify friends or to intimidate geeks/losers/etc. Is answered with a chorus of "yeah, yeah!"

Cool Guy: "What about bumpin'?"

Random Person: "Um..."

Cool Guy: "What about bumpin'?"

Cool Person: "Yeah, yeah!"

by Dan Kisielewski October 14, 2006

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"What About the Troops" Person

People who wait for someone to announce a tragety or an act of courage or heroism and proceed to state that the announcement has no meaning because the troops have experienced more heroism, tragedy, courage, ect. They then make a statement about the country not having any "true" values.

After a famous celebrity dies Rebecca posted a status about troops dieing every day and stated that everyone needs to talk about that even though she never talks about the troops regularly. She is such a "What About the Troops" Person.

by Hobartastic June 4, 2015

Tuesday? What About Thursday?

A proper follow up to someone who has assailed you with "See you next Tuesday" (CUNT). The recommended reply lets your assailant know that you are on to his game and that you find him to be a TWAT.

Tim: "Alright mate. I'm off. I'll See You Next Tuesday!!"

Eric: "Tuesday? What About Thursday?!"

by EForte April 11, 2011

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what about them sports

what you say when you are in a group chat or group call and it gets really awkward

girl: my dog died
*awkward silence*
guy: so what about them sports?

by shayella January 3, 2016

what about my dog

What about my dog is a term used for wondering if your dog would be included if you go out somewhere. It would normally be said by someone in the name of maximus.

We're going out to Australia tomorrow, wanna come?
"What about my dog"

by Saudi Arabia chicken nugg nugg September 12, 2017