Source Code

Crusty Awakening

When a person (can be guy or girl) suddenly wakes up in the dawn of light to find that they are temporarily blinded by some crusty substance on their masked eye. Low and behold, they find out that the nasty crustiness is none other than a savage cum glaze that was placed sometime during their innocent slumber.

Ali awoke to an unexpected darkness as she tried to open her eyes, she found that they were fastened shut by a dried substance, called the crusty awakening, that Bill had strategically placed while she was laying fast asleep.

by Bill MacElroy March 26, 2010

gay awakening

When wlw and mlm find themselves sexually attracted to people of the same gender, normally a celebrity, for the first time.

Girl 1: BeyoncΓ© is so hot, she was my gay awakening!
Boy 1: My gay awakening was definitely Harry Styles

by queerwhoreishere March 9, 2019

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gay awakening

Sudden realization of one’s gayness. Can sometimes be terrifying and sometimes euphoric. Generally realized through a friend or the like.

Carl: β€œThat guy at work was my gay awakening.”
Jenny: β€œOh, cool.”

by MoodyHD December 29, 2022

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lewd awakening

The act of waking up your partner with oral sex.

"My girlfriend got a lewd awakening this morning when she woke up and I was eating her out."

by cookin77 August 18, 2012

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Rude Awakening

When you are finally awakened by a shocking truth

I had a rude awakening of how much sexy and hot I am

by Crapcrab October 23, 2016

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Great Awakening

The harsh reality that hits an Applehead, Machead, iFool, or other Apple fan like a ton of bricks the moment he or she realizes that their iPod, iPad, iPhone, or Mac computer is not the crash-proof and bullet-proof wonder device that Steve Jobs and his overhyping media make it out to be.

This is usually brought on the very first time that a Mac computer freezes up, crashes, and needs to be restarted (usually causing the user to lose a lot of unsaved documents), or an iPod, iPhone, or iTunes software locks up or otherwise malfunctions.

Leaira: Did you hear what happened to Brittany?
Jordan: No, what happened to her?
Leaira: Well, she just experienced the Great Awakening.
Jordan: Oh really!? Her iPod quit working?
Leaira: It sure did! She picked it up and tried to listen to her music, and it just gave her an Apple logo and wouldn't do anything else. That's not all -- her MacBook froze up and crashed last week, and she can't get it to boot up anymore.
Jordan: Wow! That's too funny! So much for Crapple products being crash-proof and bullet-proof! What is she gonna do?
Leaira: She's had it with Steve Jobs, his lies, his media overhyping, and outragrous prices. She says she's going to take a sledgehammer to all her Crapple junk, throw it in the iGarbage can, and buy some good products.
Jordan: Oh, that's cool! What is she gonna get?
Leaira: She just bought a Windows 7 64-bit laptop the other day. She loves it! It works a lot better than her Macintrash ever did. And at half the price!
Jordan: Awesome! I think I'll get one too. What about her music player?
Leaira: We're going shopping today. She's just gonna get a basic MP3 player like mine. I love mine, and it only cost $50. It works directly with Windows with no iTunes or anything. I just drag and drop my MP3 files thru Windows. And it's a lot easier to use than her iPod ever was.
Jordan: That's awesome! Glad to hear she's finally kicking Crapple to the curb!

by Jordan_17 August 24, 2011

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False Awakening

A vivid or convincing dream about awakening from sleep, when in reality you're still sleeping

Jimmy had a false awakening because he had a dream in which he thought he woke up.

by WasserFeuer January 21, 2015