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The classic woman who thinks she is entitled to anything and everything that has to do with rich quality. She drives a Range Rover and owns multiple Louis Vuitton bags and is possibly the CEO of a company.

Damn! Did you see Betsy's receipt from Louis Vuitton? 5 bags, what the fuck bro.

by Lil Thong September 23, 2019

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A word to describe someone as trashy. Betsy most likely lives in a trailer with her two kids from different baby daddies, has so many problems, sleeps around, treats people like trash, while acting like She's has a big heart.

Betsy isn't something you wanted to be when you were little and people asked you what you wanted to be like

I have so much homework to do but I can't turn out like a Betsy, gotta graduate

Don't turn into a Betsy, make something of yourself

by Definingthetruth October 13, 2018

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A very clingy girlfriend. She often depends on others to make her stop being so clingy and annoying. She gets no help cause it's her own fault.

"that girl is being all Betsy on her boyfriend."
"She is gonna lose her boyfriend for being like Betsy."

by pathetic44 December 28, 2010

31πŸ‘ 206πŸ‘Ž


An ugly girl who no one likes

Her brother strongly dislikes betsy

by Awsomebrother March 26, 2018

3πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


An extremely large woman. Loves to eat, spaghetti is her breakfast, lunch and dinner. Can get very annoying, but deep down she just wants friends. Looks up to her friend Nadia because of her good looks and intellect. Everyone needs a Betsy to make themselves feel better (as she is always less attractive than her peers).

β€˜She’s so annoying, must be a Betsy’
β€˜β€™What a large woman, looks like a Betsy’

by Nice12345 April 15, 2018

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


An insult used to describe a female stuck in the colonial period, wearing a starched dress, churning butter, and wearing a bonnet. A tip off is when she uses terms such as: "on the fritz," "tizzy," or "bluffing."

Alana: Did you see that ho wearing the apron?
Dan: I know, she's such a Betsy!

by Dana Hallowell June 11, 2005

22πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž


A betsi is usually very cute, and has the most appealing personality. They often have the most curvaceous bodies ever. They are commonly known to be edgy like and wish to live differently than most. They have a praise-wise smile ; that will instantly draw you to them. They know their eyes have intense power, the minute you see it, you feel like they are staring deep in your soul.

They are also very motherly, and have natural mother instincts. They are very good with children and wish to be always around them. A betsi is a natural beauty but, emotionally invested. They are called out for being mostly warm and nurturing. But, beneath all that beauty, they are very selfless and often put everyone first.

yoo did you meet betsi yet? she’s sooo sweet

by bummmmblebee June 16, 2020

14πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž