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declan bickers

Wow a Declan Bickers is something that likes to tickle people's clits, when someone likes to lick vagina they're known as a Declan Bickers

'I met this cute boy last night, apparently he's a Declan Bickers'

by BritishGirly September 9, 2013

1👍 2👎

Bickering over the blue sky

When someone invents spurious arguments or seeks disharmony through contradiction or exageration with the sole aim of annoying the other relentlessly.

The wish to constantly upset the other using any verbal means possible.

It is the endlessness of the antagonism that elevates it above a mere Arguvate, Hissy Fit or Tantrum.

Example 1
Tourist: "Look at the yellow sand we are walking on!"
Young Woman: "What sand?"
Tourist: "The sand we are walking on!!!"
Young Woman: "That's not sand, it's beach soil... and it's not yellow!"
Tourist: "Please... don't start Bickering over the Blue Sky with me"
Young Woman: "I'm not!"

Example 2
Friend: "How was your holiday?"
Tourist: "Terrible... we Bickered over the blue sky for 2 weeks solid"
Friend: "Sorry Bro... sounds like she didn't want to be with you"

by Alt Dot October 2, 2010



Bickering is having sex

by Aleacia123 November 20, 2019


A insecure Cunt that gives themselves a nickname hoping that it will deflect from the fact that nobody likes them.

Oh look its he has posted #Bickers what an original chap, or should I say Cunt.

by DonnaLovesTyrone February 5, 2021


A lighter argument, mostly bickering between two or more persons

"You and Austin get into too many bickerments."

by Grgabygrowls December 5, 2021


DEF: to argue while decorating the house for < holiday > ostensibly over how said decorating should be done...

bicker decorate

We bickerated the tree today.

by Jgiambru November 28, 2010