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Is the funniest fandom on Tik tok are nice and caring

"Hey did you here one of the blisters call him a rat?"

by Blisters the fandom September 21, 2020

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Brother + Sister = Bliser

I'm not a girl, I'm a Blister.

by SofiaSheeep December 12, 2020

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blister shaft

A male sex organ afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease

Rebecca decided to herpes fuck John. He had a gross blister shaft, but he was really hot. She made him wear a condom so she figured she would be safe.
Two days later her pubic hair started itching. She didn't get the herp, but she crabs.

by Nutzen YerMouf February 20, 2018

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blistered shishito

When one's penis is rubbed raw after a marathon session of intercourse as result of friction, intense PSI, lack of lube or a combination of all three

Mike: Bro, why are you walking so funny?
Stan: Dude...Missy and I had a marathon sesh' last night and she dried out...I was in a zone and couldnt stop, but now I"m rolling with a blistered shishito...it sucks, but was worth it, yo

by gameshow willie August 22, 2018

Blistered Sister

A nun with a prominent and questionable cold sore.

Father Mulveaney couldn't help but notice the blistered sister sitting in the front row at mass. He made an appointment with his family doctor after service just to be safe.

by Eaton Holgoode October 9, 2015

Sister with a blister

1. Referring to a female that is known to have a sexually transmitted (venereal) disease.

Dude, I'm going to ask Dolores out next Saturday.

Don't do it man! She is the Sister with a blister!

Man, she is so HOT! Can't belive she is the sister with a blister.

by nczn February 15, 2010

Tinder Blister

A cold sore HSV 1 or Genital Herpes HSV-2 that manifests approximately one week after a Tinder date and is immortal, due to Tindering.

โ€œI think that bitch Crystal from Tinder gave me a Tinder Blister.

by SHAWN S0L0 January 15, 2019