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Blood Brothers

When a guy dances with a girl who is having her period and the blood leaks through and gets onto the guys jeans. This blood stained fellow is now blood brothers with the girls current boyfriend.

"Ah fuck, well I guess this makes use blood brothers now."

by Mr. Nuguuyen November 29, 2007

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Eskimo Blood Brothers

When two males have sex with the same female while she is on her period.

Dude, you won’t believe it, I slept with Alexis last night. It was great but I think she was on her period. Same thing happened with Jeremy last month, that makes us Eskimo Blood Brothers.

by Vulpix May 31, 2021

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blood brother's secret

A secret kept between two friends of any gender. The difference between a regular secret and a blood brother's secret is that a B.B.S is taken to the grave with both people.

Person 1: Hey, don't tell my girlfriend about what happened last night
Person 2: Sure thing, blood brother's secret.

by giraffe112 September 26, 2015

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alaskan blood brothers

two guys that have fucedk the same girl

dad: bro me and danny are alaskan blood brothers now

by Penguy1738 November 29, 2016

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BBA blood brothers association

A gang that is really. All they know is getting bread. They will die for each other.

This is so BBA blood brothers association wat we doing right now

by Lilron325 December 6, 2017

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brother blood

Someone who is your brother without there being a blood relation.

This is Christian my brother blood. We do not have the same mom but our connection is that strong.

by KAY$OLO November 13, 2017

Blood Brothers

A sexual act. Performing a Double Penetration with a relative or a close friend while the female is on her period

Dude, me and Jake became Blood Brothers last night. Jess is such a nasty slut...

by Cubsbball25 May 29, 2019