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When some bitch does something very stupid so you extend your hand and angle it towards the person and yell BOI at them

Person 1: ur hamster looks delicious

Person 2: BOI

by dabbittyYEET March 2, 2019

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A retarded kid who will become hostile at anything related to pewdiepie.

Oh shit here comes a retarded fuck boi.

by Renaldo is gay September 19, 2019

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Slang(of something) for boy

Hey BOI!!!!!!!!!!!!

by BronySpeller123 December 4, 2015

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A slang word and/or street name for heroin. (noun)

1) Ask your girlfriend if she knows someone selling boi since Iโ€™m new in this town. Iโ€™m starting to feel withdrawals.
2) I have some fire boi if you know anyone whoโ€™s looking.

by BRADiN3M February 20, 2021

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Another word for boy but said in a mad way

Boi you wanna go

by Jesse_campbell53 April 1, 2017

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Boi is cooler way of saying "Boy".it adds MLG style to itself. So i could song You my small chatch phase i made as examlpe of correct usage of Word "Boi".


Its yo boi Rollin trollin over the Street,Being King of the Street.bois im godlike Here,its cause im reall BOI.

by Memermlg_nosckopermlg429 June 18, 2018

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A tribe in Northern Italy, during the expansion of the young republic of Rome, not insignificant though as it has stopped the advance of the Roman army, forcing them to go to Illyria, opposite of the Adriatic. Boi is a big meme because of a game called 'Imperator: Rome' by Paradox Interactive due to its nature of being the meme known as Boi

A: What is the strongest nation to play as in Imperator Rome
B: Are you kidding? BOI OF COURSE

by July 21, 2019

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