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(Note: the girl I'm describing is named Caroline but goes by Carrie)
The sexiest, most beautiful girl you will ever meet. She loves her friends and would do anything for them. She loves to try new things and has the biggest heart EVER. beware, she won't date you if you ask her out before even knowing her. She's the sweetest person ever. she doesn't necessarily enjoy rejecting guys. Just because she has to do often doesnt mean she enjoys it. It's not her fault every guy falls for her within seconds of talking to her. She makes an awesome best friend, always willing to listen and help you with anything you could possibly need. Her friends mean everything to her, and she loves her boyfriend with all her heart. She will always have your back, and tells you everything. She does tend to be a little flirty without meaning to, so don't ask her out until you're sure she likes you. She prefers to be around guys instead of girls because she thinks girls can be catty abd over dramatic. Her favorite thing to do is just to be with her friends having a good time. She doesn't like chick flicks, so you won't ever be forced to go see a movie you don't want to. She's one of those girls that is always happy. Even if she's having a really bad day, she won't let it bring her down. Always smiling, it's impossible not to love her. She's way too much fun too be around. She often won't believe you when you compliment her. She'll almost always either ignore your comment or brush it off.

Kyle: Hey, did you see Carrie today?
James: Yeah. She the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I talk to her everyday.
Kyle: Lucky!

by Carrie's Admirer February 10, 2014

129๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Sustaining a consistent level of extra behaviour.

โ€œOh girl you are carrying!โ€

Please reference Aquariaโ€™s verse in RuPaulโ€™s American.

by Anusthingispossible July 7, 2018

78๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


to be 'told off' or dissed

After a girl tells off a guy, a bystander might say to the dude, "Oh damn, you got carried!!!"

by Cara BG March 14, 2004

199๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Carry is a hero in Dota or Dota 2 which is designed to grow stronger with every level. Carry heros are the ones who will "carry" the team with their kills. Other heros take over other functions so as supporter, healer, disabler, stunner and so on.

Dota Carry heros examples : Pudge, Outworld Destroyer, Drow Ranger, Juggernaut, Skeleton King

by Kafka with an AK47 February 22, 2013

136๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


Carri, a woman with much talent, amazing personality, More beautiful than anything in the world, lightens evryone's day, and is never afraid to say what she thinks.

"That woman is definately a Carri"

by Amjid February 5, 2008

198๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


Is an amazing person and really friendly girl

One of the best friend you'll meet

At times can be abit crazy

Shes beautiful but denies it.

That Carris is amazing

by McLaren14 January 6, 2012

43๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


Old school term for pregnant.

She looks like she's carrying again. She said she and her husband wanted six children! If indeed she is pregnant, this will be number four!

by talk2me-JCH2 April 28, 2021

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž