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Supreme Grand Chancellor of Dealer Logistics

A person whom is responsible for coordinating and orchestrating the pick up and delivery service of customers who service their vehicles at a dealership. This individual additionally executes the retrieval of specific parts that are necessary for the repair facility to successfully and efficiently complete repairs to a customer's vehicle. This person is also the lead in collecting additional items to support and aid the Fixed Operation staff in continuing to perform at a high level of customer satisfaction, like coffees.

The Supreme Grand Chancellor of Dealer Logistics was such a polite gentleman. He was a delight to speak to while he was giving me a shuttle ride back to my house from the dealership.

by ADMIGS October 8, 2020

Vice Chancellor

A Vice enthusiasts that enjoys collecting old vices, and any other sort of Vice, but knows DAWN Vices are their favourite.

The vice chancellor brought another Dawn vice

by Petej222 August 19, 2021


Chancellor a name with alot of meaning, Chancellor is someone that is extremely handsome and is good in bed. Has a great sense of humor as you get to know him and Chancellor is well endowed downstairs.

Girl did you hear about how Chancellor, did Angie?

by The mysteyr November 24, 2021


fairy chess peice

that can move like a rook and knight, (chancellor)

by chargingvindiction4 August 21, 2024


Ugly as fuck but is still your baby daddy . Normally he’s in deep love with a Mexican girl. He’s lazy sometimes but not when it comes to sex . He has a bright future . Normally colored eyes . Long hair . He’s very loyal to his friends and family . He’s loving and caring when it comes to his wife . Don’t fuck with him .

Chancellor is a loyal man .

by Bootyfirehole03 April 15, 2019