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That's a cheek!

A response to cheeky/sarcastic remarks or behaviour by others. Usually used in jest.

*John looks at the F symbol on his physics paper in horror*
His friend nudges him and says, "All that hard work really paying off hey?"
John replies, "That's a cheek!"

by TADPOOL October 5, 2016

On cheeks

When you’re telling someone some real ass shit and you need to let them know it’s for real. It also can be used in a question format.

cheeks referring to booty cheeks

On cheeks, she got herpes from that guy.

On cheeks, did he die in a car crash?

by Big ski May 16, 2019

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Newton's lesser known, recently rediscovered 69th Law: skin and other non bone tissues with the ability to freely oscillate at a certain arbitrary finite speed; also a sine function because said cheek is put in motion from a state of rest and starts at the origin: (0,0)

Lemme see those cheeks oscillate

by cheekoverlord October 8, 2020

85πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A British word for someone who disrespects and talks back to you. To give cheek.

"She is one cheeky bitch!"

by Sara June 5, 2004

606πŸ‘ 214πŸ‘Ž


In an exceptionally advanced altered state of mind, generally brought on by alcohol.

Oh man you guys Kyle was so cheeked last night he tried to jump out a window.

by Himla January 22, 2009

155πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


When one pretends to swallow medication, but actually hides the pills in the part of the mouth between the gum and the cheek.

Cheeking is so common on the Psych Ward that all patients must drink water after taking pills. They must also open their mouths for the nurse to inspect that no cheeking has occurred.

by Anne Nahm June 14, 2006

100πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

cheek IT

to put drugs in your anus or mouth cavity to hide from law enforcement

if you see the 5-0 then u best cheek it

by STAN P June 20, 2005

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž