Source Code


an adjective showing approval

That kid is mad chill.

The beach is chill.

by Steven August 1, 2003

270👍 214👎


Basically premium or cool (in slang). In REAL LIFE it means cold. Not as cool as premium.


Me: “You good?”
Friend: “Noo..”
Me: “Cool” (walks away like nothing happened*)


Friend: “Hey wanna go surfing?”
Me: “Sure..?”
Friend: “cool”


Friend: “Yoooooo!”
Me: “Yooooo... I’ve never been surfing before... is it hard..?”
Friend: “Nahhh..” (MIND: Yesss! I’ll have vengeance!*)
Me: “cool.. after you..?”
Friend: “Okay.” (goes and does super chill trick*)
Me: “WOW. That was super chill.”
Friend: “Your turn!” (pushes me into water on surf board*)
Me: “$#@!” (accidental does premium trick*)
Friend: “Wha- How!?!?!”
Me: “I don’t know. You know I knew this was for vengeance right. I ain’t stup.”
Friend: (runs away*) (plays Pity Party by Melanie Martinez*)

by XxSADNESSxX December 10, 2019

10👍 4👎


Chill is widely unknown but is the whole bro code that all bros live by. It is sometimes considered the bible of brostians everywhere. When used in a setence such as "This is chill" it is refering to the Bro BiBle were anything that is considered "chill" is holy. Bros who worship the Chill are usually but not restricted to Lacrosse Players.


by La Bro August 8, 2010

32👍 20👎


1. calm down
2. cool
3. to freeze or cool an item temperature wise

1. woman: omg omg omg
man: Chill!

2. woman: maybe later
man: thats chill

3. woman:can you please chill the drink?
man: sure ill put it in the fridge.

by talented August 2, 2005

140👍 112👎


1. To be someone with a calm and cool attitude
2. To relax and cool down

1. "Man Cody is so chill"
2. "Woah, you need to chill Ashley"

by Screwash June 23, 2015


A verb meaning "to make cooler."

Not an adjective.

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' and shootin' some b-ball outside of the school.....

by Hoshikins October 12, 2008

8👍 4👎


cool, calm, relaxed.

Generally used by residents of Florida or California, where the people truly are chill. Also, largely used in college campuses. Tends to accompany intelligence and open minded -ness.

That's chill.

I feel pretty chill.

Chill the fuck out.

by anonymous41 January 12, 2009

9👍 6👎