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Christian is the hottest most intense guy you will ever meet. Just one look from his piercing eyes, and you are his. He is the sweetest guy ever but won't let anyone fuck with you. If he decides you are his, he will never let you go.

Oh my lord, there is Christian, how can I make you notice me?

by Lovergirlxx June 7, 2016

24πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


She is someone who is tired of always looking up her name only to find religious things or guys. She is smart, strong, and fearless. She is an amazing friend and a great all around person who you can’t help but love. Her laughter lights up a room and her smile shines brighter than anyone else. She is weird and quirky. She loves to make references and make you laugh. If you don’t know a woman named Christian you are severely missing out on true gem

Me: Have you met Christian?!
Friend: Yeah she’s amazing she’s as sweet as she is cute!

by Lady Deadpool September 27, 2018

50πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


The guy I fell in love with. I'm too young to say this, but I know when I'm old and prune-like, I'll never regret loving him. It may be my hormones talking; but I love my hormones, and I always will :
Christian is a perfectionist, a "pedophile," or so he claims (because he has many self-given names); okay, he's not a pedophile, he just says he is. He's actually only 17, but anyways ... He can be insightful, but then again, he can be negative, or what he says, "I'm not negative. I'm positive .. in a dark way."
He's insanely adorable with his phrases, and when you're near him, you will start to shake and incessantly babble on about the Odyssey. That's how great he is.

Many people will look at you funny when you point out who he is, but you won't care.

And whenever you pass by him (and this is probably only if he's secretly in love with you too), he can't help but look. This also goes for when you're in the same room, but you're not sitting at the same table.
He's insanely funny and has many comebacks. He's been through many things, which you can't help but feel sorry for him.
When you're talking to him online, he'll occasionally have one-worded answers, because, after all, he's a guy, but most of the time, he's truthful as to what he's feeling.
Christian is also intelligent.

Ultimately, he's what every girl (or so I think) wants.

Christian walks out of the room.
Friend: Who was that?
Me: That was Christian, the guy that I love.

by perfectionismsucks June 29, 2011

150πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


Is literally a crackhead and can make you laugh anytime. He has the same shirt on 3 times a week but he is a good friend

Is that Christian over there?

by Yeetus to the fetus September 1, 2019

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Christian is a guy unlike any other. He is the perfect combination of stereotypes in high school novels, the jock, the prom king, the joker and the player. The things that Christian values above all are honesty and cup size. Christian would win Love Island based solely on deluded god complex. His Love like his trust is finite, it is a resource only awarded to those who earn it. Christian has the ability to make any girl fall in love with him, even if that girl happens to be a high school chemistry teacher. He achieves this using a mixture of his irresistible charisma and surprising intelligence. The guy has the ability to achieve great things academically, but only of he got of his ass and stopped being so lazy. To conclude, you cant help but fall in love with a Christian, stay vigilant. It is important to know that if you dig deep enough and scrape away all the dickhead, Christian is actually a decent friend and person overall, plus, hes mad good looking which is a bonus.

Its prom night "Christian" is probably on the prowl
Don't mind "Christian" he means well

by The_Count_ June 24, 2019

45πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


The most amazing, cute, adorable person ever. They will make you feel like the best person ever and make you smile all the time, they will make a big impact in your life and they are the most caring person ever and make you feel happy all the time. You’ll never get tired of them.

Christian: hi

AudrEy: that’s fricking adorable marry me

by Dorky butt March 30, 2019

28πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Excessively looks for himself on google an extremely cute sexy person. This person is very intellegent and can be very romantic. Overall a funny, attractive, intelligent, sweet, caring person. Also this person is likes hugs. ^_^

Dat Christian was so hot I want to date him

by Darthcheezeburger February 12, 2014

39πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž