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You all know this girl, she's the girl you see in the Dictionary next to beautiful. She's that girl that you want to kiss all day. She's just that amazing girl that every guy likes, but she is loyal and stays only with one guy.

Friend 1: Hey i met this cool girl last night.

Friend 2: Oh cool, is it like a Cindy or just a one night stand? -__-

Friend 1:I'm pretty sure it's a Cindy. :D

Friend 2: Oo nice! :D

by sumboodeh April 30, 2011

570👍 280👎


A loving, beautiful girl who is very pretty, caring, and just absolutely amazing and wonderful.

Often dates Asian guys named Tim.

Person 1: Awhhhzz Cindy and Tim look so cute together!!
Person 2: For realz.
Person 3: I wanna be like them!

by TheSteakMan321v2 September 30, 2011

369👍 210👎


Cindy is the best. Cindy is a pretty girl and she’s not only pretty on the outside but she’s pretty on the inside too, she’s a good best friend, sister, daughter, student, anything. She is a funny person but don’t get her mad cuz she got that scary stare when she is mad lowkey. she is also always going to be here for you if you are close with her, she has your back and she’s loyal. If you know a Cindy, make sure you always treat her right because she deserves it :)

Omg look at CINDY she looks beautiful today!

by Zaara ;) November 3, 2022

7👍 1👎


She's the best friend anyone could have. I'm lucky enough to have her as my friend! She is very crazy and so loveable! Her family treats me like one of their own children even though they have all girls, im included as one. Shes the middle child of 3 and both sisters are amazing! Shes the best friend anyone could have!

Sarah "Who's Cindy?"
Mackenzi "Shes my bestfriend"
Sarah "Ohh thats super cool"

by kenzik July 7, 2011

332👍 203👎


Pretty and funny, Cindy is the kind of girl that all the guys fall for. She is very likable and does not judge anyone based off looks, and you can tell by her ex boyfriends. Very outgoing, and can make anyone fall in love. Although she is so popular, she isn’t overly confident and is supportive to anyone who needs it. Wears mostly Adidas and sweatpants, but still makes it work. Guys will literally do anything for her. Lend her money, buy her expensive presents, give her answers to homework, anything! Although she’s awkward whenever she sees her friends crying, she is good to talk to for advice. She can be naive sometimes and not get the hint when someone CLEARLY likes her, but she’s fun to tease. If you’re a quiet person, she’ll think you’re low key weird. DONT make enemies with a Cindy, otherwise everyone will be your enemy.

Person 1: Omg who’s that? She’s surrounded by guys!
Person 2: Oh that’s just Cindy and all the guys that are desperately in love with her.

Person 1: Wow she must be popular! She’s probably a bitch.
Person 2: Actually, although she is popular, she isn’t a mean girl. She’s super nice the moment you talk to her!
Person 1: Wow! Whoever she’s dating must be lucky!
Person 2: Oh she’s not dating anyone at the moment but she does have this weird on and off thing with that dude over there
Person 1: Him? He’s kinda goofy looking though.
Person 2: wait till you see her best friend...oh! She’s right there!
Person 1: What?? That can’t be her she looks like a depressed goth!
Person 2: I’m telling you, Cindy doesn’t judge.

by Just kidding lol December 29, 2020

10👍 4👎


The best mother anyone can ever have. Cindy is extremely extremely beautiful and has a heart of gold. She'll do anything for anyone and has a hard time saying no.

Man I love her, she's such a Cindy.

by sgsenia January 30, 2020

7👍 2👎


There is no else like a Cindy. All the guys want to be with her, but she is one sexy ass shy mother fucker so she’s gonna make it hard for you, especially if she’s a brunette. I mean she’s so fucking hot when a Cindy walks past all the guys get boners. She is the hottest, I once got with a Cindy and still regret not smashing. Anyways, A Cindy is the kind of girl youll never meet again so if you ever meet one, don’t fuck it up cuz this bitch stubborn but a fucking Angel. Goodluck bro, now go make her urs.

Damn I just got a boner

No shit that was Cindy

by Yomamagay82 October 15, 2021