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Compressed Girl

Big juggs, thiccccc thighs, under 5"2, not to forget big batty biatch

Compressed Girl - Wow, Kim is looking compressed AF today

by Dan Sanders 123 August 26, 2022


being sat on, or lied on, or crushed until completely flat.

Sit on me, give me that compression/ compress me.

by 666 666 666 November 30, 2016

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Compressed girl

A term to describe a female that looks squeezed together.

Natasha is a Compressed girl.

by Mush mush November 7, 2019

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Compression shorts

Athletic underwear that look like shiny boxer-briefs and are supposed to function the same as a jockstrap (support/protect the testes) but don't. Fit awkwardly and strenuous activity causes your junk to move around which leads to lots of awkward adjusting. Have become very popular with young men around the country who wouldn't be caught dead wearing a jockstrap in the locker room, even if it men't wearing something as uncomfortable and ineffective as Compression Shorts.

Teammate: Yo, no one wears jocks anymore bro. You need to hit up some compression shorts. Shit be stylin. Yolo.

by maximim July 26, 2012

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compressed batty

the bum of a male that has an oval shape and looks squeezed together.

girl 1: rah look at his flat batty
girl 2: well,it's more of a compressed batty

by greenblazer April 4, 2019

Compression Pants

Athletic "underwear" popular in sports such as basketball, they differ from compression shorts because they go down to the calf

Jack : Are those leggings??
Brandon : No, they're compression pants, I play basketball

by Vxnce June 17, 2019

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Depression Compression

When you're depressed so you curl into a ball and compress

"It's Sad Nigga Hours so Ima do the depression compression

by Big boi123 December 13, 2017

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