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Consider a mammal

British colloquial slang for using a plane in order to export goods

"Blad the only way to get these drugs across is to consider a mammal"

by TerryWithTheBadNails May 25, 2017

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fragment consider revising

The most useless grammar error in Microsoft word.
No one can quite work out why it appears, or how to correct the sentence. Some have had success in removing the green line the accompanies the "fragment consider revising" grammatical error, by simply adding comma's (,) and full stops (.) randomly in the area underlined by the grammar check. Allmost everyone has an encounter with this error at one stage while using Microsoft word and some question why the developers even bothered implemented such as useless feature.
Rumour has it, the one who can remove the error from a sentence will be the legendary soul who will lead Microsoft to defeat, and the uprising of Linux will begin. (Mac’s don’t have a part in this because the lack of evolution has meant their mouse only has one button)

User writes the following in Microsoft word 2003: "Classification definitions, the definitions for people who are employed, and for those who are not employed may not be suitable."
Microsoft grammar check: fragment consider revising
User has no indication of how to correct the error.

by >:( matt June 8, 2006

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consider her assassinated

when someone is so fine you forgo the usual "I'd hit it".

*gorgeous pictures appear on facebook"

Dewd 1: DAAAMN.
Dewd 2: Consider her assassinated.

by Can Doghlan May 29, 2008

consider me dead

A nice way of telling someone to shut up and leave you alone.

Coco: consider me dead.
(i.e. I don't want to talk to you now, stop bothering me)

by <3coco23 December 4, 2011

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considered white

when an asian or other non white race is doing more American things than What their own race does.

When Michael, one of my Asian friends said that he didn't like anime or rice , I told him he is now officially considered white

by akmunde January 27, 2016

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just consider it done

this basically mean something is over

nikka Just Consider It Done

by bossys3 October 13, 2010

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Have you ever considered a Ploughmans?

The question you should ask when you are too intoxicated to think of a sandwich other than salami.

"What are you eating, is it a salami sandwich?"
"Yes pal"
"Have you ever considered a Ploughmans?"

by Crack fox February 20, 2016