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conspiracy theory

Literally - the idea of people breathing together.

Con=together. Spire=breathe.

She didn't want a respirator, didn't want to expire. Her inspiration was that once the pandemic passed she might breathe with other people, her conspiracy theory, and it filled her with hope.

by Monkey's Dad April 27, 2020

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conspiracy theory

Conspiracy theories are usually bogus theories dreamt up by wide-eyed madmen in order to explain the unexplainable, make possible the impossible and dupe the dupes.

The most widespread conspiracy theory - so far - of the early part of the 21-st century was the one concerning the existence or non-existence of WMD(Weapons of Mass Destruction) in Iraq and the dread intent of Iraq to use these weapons to launch a devastating attack on Israel , the UK and possibly Cyprus.

This theory was first floated in Washington by a group of cranks calling themselves neo-conservatives and quickly spread like a contagion throughout most of the UK and the US.

However , most other countries of the world were immune to this contagion and treated it with skepticism.

Driven on by belief in their theory the devotees of it in the UK and US went on to attack and occupy Iraq in an attempt to eradicate these WMD.

However these weapons turned out to be nothing more than a brain-fever which had no more credibility or basis in fact than a Donald Rumsfeld speech.

The idea that the invasion of Iraq was about oil is no more than a conspiracy-theory. (Still said by some even after 8.8 billion dollars of post-invasion Iraqi oil revenues were
reported missing in a report by US General Stuart Bowen to the US congress in January 2005. )

by sam1967 February 15, 2005

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Conspiracy theory

Conspiracy Theory

An idea that something is not as it seems or has been protrayed.

Facts showing that what we know could be different than what is.

The idea of the earth not being round is a Conspiracy Theory.

by November 9, 2020

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conspiracy theory

dumb fake shit that doesnt make sense about politicians mostly or something i didnt watch the movie

"Wanna hear a conspiracy theory Jemby(I can't think of a good name) believes?"
"What does he believe?"
"He believes that rich people are putting toxins into the air."
"What the fu-"

by Meme Ghost October 7, 2021

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Conspiracy theory

Larry Stylinson.

Larry Stylinson is ObViOuSlY just a conspiracy theory

by HarryLouisstylestomlinson December 28, 2021

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Cornish conspiracy theory

The Cornish conspiracy theory is claimed to be a long-running conspiracy by the English establishment to suppress Cornish people of their rights, identity and autonomy. It is claimed that the main reason why the Cornish are being denied recognition of their identity is to prevent any public debate or official enquiry into the constitutional status of Cornwall regarding the Duchy of Cornwall, sometimes referred to as the "Cornish Question". Historians point to the fact that in 1508 the 'Charter of Pardon' was granted by Henry VII to give Cornwall (Kernow) a legal right to its own Parliament and the 1858 Cornish Foreshore Case confirmed that the Duke of Cornwall is considered to be a quasi-sovereign within the Duchy of Cornwall territory (Kernow). In 1971 The Kilbrandon Report into the British constitution recommended that when referring to Cornwall official sources should cite the Duchy not the County and in 1977 Plaid Cymru MP Dafydd Wigley confirmed in Parliament that the Stannators right to veto Westminster legislation is still valid today.

'Ere, I reckon it's that there Cornish conspiracy theory again - what they doin' about that 50,000 petition for more autonomy, that there Cornish Census tick box, more money for a proper Cornish language and recognition as a proper indigenous ethnic group with the Council of Europe ? matter do 'ee ?

by Hywell June 19, 2008

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conspiracy theory hijacker

Conspirators or patsies who join conspiracy theorists with an intent to discredit them in the eyes of the general public.

CT: Presidential election is staged by the Illuminati.
Victim: Surely this cannot be true, let me prove it to you.
CTH: It's true and the Earth is flat and run by lizards.
Victim: Now I won't even bother.
CT: Don't mind him, he's with them, he's a conspiracy theory hijacker.

by jsisidore June 2, 2016