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A brand of sneaker made out of rubber and canvas materials. Come in a large variety of designs and colors to choose from. They've set a trend for the younger crowds today. Mainly girls. They're also quite popular in other countries in the world such as asia. Many people love to wear the crap out of their converses for years and years until the soles are completely bald and the materials are coming apart. They also customize their sneakers by writing on them with markers and adding thicker laces.

I just bought a new pair of converses today. I cant wait to get them all dirty, smelly and beat up like my last pair.

by lyn86 September 4, 2006

47πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a tool used to make people listen to how horrible your sad excuse of a life is, sometimes used as a torture device for terrorists.

Cop: "He's not confessing, what should we do?"

Other Cop: "Go into the room and start a conversation about your life."

*Cop goes into room and starts talking*

Terrorist: "Please! I'm begging you! Please just shut up! I'll tell you anything!"

by electronic chic October 16, 2010

29πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A type of shoe. They were back around the 1950's. They were the first basketball shoe made. Now they are mostly worn by "rock" figures or others similar to them.

Yesterday, I bought a pair of black converse!

by Lizzy xD July 30, 2005

525πŸ‘ 225πŸ‘Ž


Popular shoes that were made mainly for basketball your dad probably owned some. Now in the 2000s β€œdifferent” people wear them emos, rebels, rockers, drug addicts. People mostly buy them because they want to fit in…truth is ANYONE CAN WEAR THEM! Preps, jocks, emos, rebles, rockers, drug addicts, nerds, geeks, skaters, even...gangsters.

Person 1: Look I got new converse! Now I can be emo!
Person 2: Idiot, anyone can wear them. Get a life if you wear them just to fit in!

by Blake Doe May 1, 2006

99πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Theyre shoes man, they might mean something to certain people, but in the end theyre really just good fuckin shoes.

"hey are those converse?"
Hellz yes they are, theyre awsome!"

by Craven Morehead 6 August 5, 2007

39πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Shoes that have become very fashionable that come in a variety of colours and some patterns. My mum says that she wore them in Ireland in the 60's and 70's because they were the cheapest trainers and the most widely available. Obviously they have become much more fashionable for teenagers and much more expensive.

"I love my new converses"

by _anonymous_ April 11, 2006

43πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Shoes that have become overly-trendy. Now from these shoes being cool many preps have started to wear them. I bought all black Converse thinking they were cool then I go to school and see every other prep wearing the same thing (but in a different color).

Me: I'm totally bummed that I bought these Converse...
Friend: Why, they look awesome?
Me: Well the preps think they look awesome too.
Both: *look over and see's the preps goggling over Oliva's new Converse
Friend: Yeah, I see it. Shit I got a pair too.
Me: Let's go get some Docs
Friend: Yeah, after school let' go

by A Person1234455679653 August 28, 2011

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž