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i’m crabby

A very iconic quote from Bryan Dechart, an actor best known for his role as Connor in Detroit: Become Human.

Bryan Dechart: Yeah I’m crabby, and you wanna know why? Because I have crabs. That’s right, I thought it’d be all fun and games to go to Mexico and have sex with a hooker named los cangrejos. Turns out in Spanish that means ‘The Crabs.’ I spent 700 dollars for the crabs! So the next time you think to yourself “hey I’ll have sex with a women that in that language means ‘the crabs’ “ maybe you’ll open up your traveler’s dictionary, but hey, now you know.
Everyone: i’M cRaBbY

by Im-crabby-you-wanna-know-why September 24, 2019

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Crabby Penguin

Manically trying to attend to the genital itching caused by the parasite 'Crabs', typically in a fashion that appears to be an awkward, "penguin-like" dance to onlookers.

Mickey Rourke: What the hell is that wonky dance Lindsay Lohan is doing over there?

Danny Trejo: Dance? That aint no dance. She's doing the crabby penguin!

Mickey Rourke: Is she now?

Danny Trejo: Yeah, the little slut.

Mickey Rourke: Would you excuse me? I think I need to go help her do the crabby penguin.

by Christhejizzmopper October 27, 2010

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crabby patty

the burgers that sponge bob makes at the crusty crab.

hey, sponge bob! where's my crabby patty?

by blaine July 16, 2003

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Nintendo Crabbies

Originated on NES it is the act of getting angry at anyone talking when you die while playing a video game.

Person: So dude what do you wanna do tonight?
Player: You ass you just made me hit that Goomba and I got a game over I HATE YOU
Person: How is that my fault you can't play when I talk? You got nintendo crabbies bro...

by Karl Suks July 25, 2008

crabby storm

A period of general crabbiness varying in intensity from cold shoulders to tantrums and destructiveness. May be caused by stress or depression. These too shall pass and the sun will shine again.

"He didn't respond to my friendly greeting." "Well, he's been going through some crabby storms since the holidays."

by duubledig December 14, 2013

4👍 1👎

Crabby Pattie

A clump of cat urine (often found with one or more sewer pickles) in the plastic cat toliet if a clumping kitty litter is used. Gets its name from the Krabby Patty, a sandwich made at the Krusty Krab by SpongeBob SquarePants because it is often somewhat flattened and patty-shaped.

Note spelling; the Krabby Patty is generally known to be delectable -- you simply would not want to eat a clump of cat potty.

Mom, I only found one Crabby Pattie in Boots' litterbox this morning.

by Telephony March 29, 2015

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crabby panties

a womans panties that are infested with the STD crabs

When i picked up her underware from the night before,i found out she had crabby panties.

by Brian Bigpoffa April 1, 2007

11👍 4👎