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The Crapper

An amazing automatic device that can let you take a crap anywhere you put it! Wow! How deluxe!

"Crap on, *clap clap* Crap off *clap clap* Crap on crap off, The Crapper!" New at StereoDustParticles, its The Crapper! Never worry about trying to take a crap in the woods again! Only $ and 99 cents at your nearest location. (Warning: Does not come with instructions on how to use. Figure it out yourself, ya lazy bastard.)

by Timmy73OnYoutube January 26, 2021


A toilet.

"Dude, I'm full, time to head to the crapper."

by x January 22, 2003

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Contrary to popular belief - the crapper was not invented by Thomas Crapper - it was invented 50 years before he was born. Thomas crapper was a plumber and he may have installed some. Crapper comes from the English word CRAP which was any discarded refuse, junk, remains, etc. CRAPPER was a term invented by American soldiers during WWI who were stationed in England.

My tummy hurts - I must get rid of some crap. May I please use your crapper?

by BiggerBunny August 13, 2009

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A term used to describe someone in a derogitory manner. Most often, it is used in describing a child who misbehaves frquently. It is also used to describe anyone who acts in a crappy or unpleasant manner. See cruster, jerk.

That little crapper Tommy stepped out in front of the car and pointed his toy gun at us as we drove by.

Those Iranians are acting like real crappers about thier nuclear plants.

by Ian Callahan January 17, 2006

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n. A performance artist who attempts to blend the musical stylings of Country and Rap, resulting in a piece of CRAP.
Examples include Cowboy Troy and Jessica Simpson.

I bet that crapper's new album is full of it.

Boy, that new Jessica Simpson song on the Dukes of Hazzard soundtrack sure is crap.

by Candidate Raygun September 23, 2005

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Synonym for asshole, esp. in sexual context.

Take my big uncut dick up your crapper.

by The Crappresses July 15, 2011

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Crapper (base word) - someone who regularly shits theirselves.

Crappered - When a "Crapper" takes a dump on you.

"Aww man! That homeless man just Crappered on me!"

by cronicallyonline April 6, 2022

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