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crawling in my crawl

The Way Of the Caterpillar. Look up Crawling in my crawl

Wow I found this epic remix called Crawling in my crawl come check it out!

by Narwhal on a Mission June 17, 2017

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Maccas Crawl

A rite of passage undertaken by all true Alphas. The Maccas Crawl, a custom embedded in history, involves participants travelling to all McDonald's in home state or province. It is an ancient tradition created by the Core Four, the four founding fathers of the sacred ritual. Before undertaking said ritual, it is essential for all participants to start with a quick prayer to the Core Four. Once completed the Maccas Crawl participants will then become true men among boys.

Stevo: Hey bro what you doing in Saturday night?
Gazza: Going in a maccas crawl

Clarence: That's really bent
Gazza: I can smell your virginity from here

by CoreFour#3 February 20, 2020

creepy crawl

sneaking into someone's home and rearranging their things (furniture) or taking unvaluable things that while not expensive are obvious (e.g., all the lightbulbs)

see Manson Family

My "family" and I creepy crawled the joint while they were out. The owners flipped out, man.

by tdlier May 25, 2012

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allston crawl

The shameless search for frat parties in the Allston/Brighton area, mostly by BU biddies, but also by desperate wannabes from Simmons, Suffolk, Northeastern and other Boston colleges and universities.

"What are you doing tonight?"
"Probably heading to Allston to look for a frat party."
"Have fun allston crawling!"

by Mallard Duck November 10, 2013

sevs crawl

A variant of the English pub crawl, one goes to a number of 7-11's in quick succession and buys and drinks one energy drink at each one. Minimum of five 7-11s and one can of Redline, NOS, and Redbull each must be consumed to be a proper Sev's crawl.

How about a sevs crawl tonight?

Sure man, but who's gonna be designated driver?

by hellzyeah January 14, 2007

Subwoofer Crawl

A technique used to find the perfect spot in your room for full-sounding bass.
This technique is created by Gene DellaSala, president and Founder/Owner of Audioholics (an online A/V magazine)

The technique involves placing the subwoofer in the spot where you usually sit when watching movies or listening to music, and turning on a fairly bass-heavy test track. Then, crawling around on the floor while listening to where the bass sounds the best. Switching spots with your subwooferโ€”it should sound about the same.

Mark: I got my new sound system, but am confused where to place the subwoofer for the best sound.
Sami: Easy, do the subwoofer crawl and you will find out.

by postscripter February 7, 2011

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blunt crawl

when you are in the process of rolling a blunt when the spot suddenly gets too sketchy and you have to move to a better spot

we saw 2 cops drive by while we were rollin up so we had to blunt crawl up the street to a more secure spot.

by daweedmane April 6, 2011