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The bottom portion of a platter from Long John Silver's. The best and most Yarr-Gasmic Portion of the meal

"Yarr! those Crumblies just gave me a Yarr-Gasmin!!"

by Dantesting November 5, 2008

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When something is messed up, not right, jacked up, not cool or not fair its a crumble. It can replace any of those sayings.

Awww man that's crumble!!!!!!!

by Crystal 4 shizzle January 18, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


to break into small fragments or crumbs

Look,Syria streets crumbling after the Russian air strikes

by bnazy February 8, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


little annoying bits of something, little remains

when she opened the box of cereal she discovered only crumblies left over

by Eternia February 26, 2005

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To shoot your load too early or to back out of a sexual act

James as if you crumbled, that girl was mint!

by Adam McGrath April 24, 2006

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Used to describe something that is decadant and well recieved. Pertains to the crumb-like nature of delicious baked goods.

"I'll tell you what, after the week I had at work, last Sunday was very crumbly."

by ColdfrontZA September 7, 2005

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


When having sex for the first time in a while (usually because you are a loser) and the debris in your pubes "crumble" and fall off/out of your pubes. Debris such as dandruff, dust, mold, dirst, and in some cases dried cum from uncontrolled masturbation events.

Girl 1: So i heard you had sex last night
Girl 2: Yeah but it was obviously the guys first time in a while
Girl1: Why, did he crumble?
Girl 2: He crumbled the whole time!

by Nick_the_Cow July 13, 2009

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