Source Code


Digital Versatile Disk / Digital Video Disk.
Comes in different varieties, with 1 or 2 recorded sides, each being single or dual layered.

by Anonymous August 7, 2003

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A highly-encoded MPEG2 File written on a revolutionary style CD. They're clearer, cheaper, louder, and just all-around better than VHS.

I just bought some porn on DVD.

by Masked Pillager May 8, 2003

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Deja-Voo - Digital

When you know you've seen a movie before, but can't think of when or where.

Henry: OMG! I know this movie! but from where...?
Lisa: I don't know, but shut up!
Henry: But now this is gonna bug me all night!
Lisa: Oh, would you just get over your stupid DVD allready!!!!
Henry: HUMPH!

by Hush... November 2, 2010

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1. A three-some with too guys

aka Dick-Vagina-Dick

Person 1: "I had great DVD last night."
Person 2: "Damn girl, where did you find two guys into that?"

by asianwomen June 9, 2014

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The act of engaging in animalistic, hot sex with a chicken head and/or groupy hoe. see to DVD

"Wanna be in the DVD?"

by Ass Blasters vol. 6 March 4, 2005

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A way of slang, also meaning "Dick Vagina Dick", usually performed in a threesome, where a male goes up the females vagina, while the other male goes up the same females but hole.

bob: "dude she is such a bitch. we should give her a DVD so she will be sore for a week.

by popcorn jizz September 19, 2009

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A commonly used codeword when discussing an illegal drug.

Guy: "Dude watching those DVD's got me really stoned for some reason."
Guy2: "Yea..."

Guy: "Dude does your glute hurt from watching those DVD's?"
Guy2: "Like a bitch."


by gamesguru2 November 13, 2009

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