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Van Damme Friday

Lack of work production on a friday afternoon, often characterized by sending emails of Jean Claude Van Damme dancing horribly.

Looks like it's another Van Damme Friday.

by Pats Mom March 7, 2008

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Van Damme facial.

Much like the traditional act of a man giving a woman a faceful of cum, but characterised by a vigorous display of effort and release. In doing so, the man has an expression and makes a sound much like Jean Claude Van Damme in those slow motion close ups of his face when he performs his big finale kick on the 'bad guy'.

Especially appropriate when copulating with a lady of loose morals and an a voracious appetite for all manner of sexual endeavour (AKA "a good girl").

Look at the arse on that one over there... I'd love to give her a Van Damme Facial.


by Antony December 20, 2003

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My dog

My dog is "DAMM HE THICK!!!"

by whyyoudomelikethat January 13, 2020

Van Damme Van

The single greatest vehicle ever.

Did you see the Van Damme Van? It looks awesome. Plus I hear it can go over 1000 miles.

by Livewire October 10, 2005

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popped a van damme

To pull a boner while dancing with a hot chick.

Jade - "You dance lamb good, do you want to come back to mine?"
Tom - "wha-oh, I've popped a Van Damme"
Jade - "idiot"

by Samthelamb February 11, 2007

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damm right hommie

An excentric agreement made between two people, who are close friends, or hommies, usually used on the West Coast and in the place of 'yes' or 'I concure'.

A version of 'you're correct'

"That girls got the biggest mouth on this side of D.C"
"Damm right hommie"

by Evie baby August 28, 2008

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Van Damme Americans

A Japanese term for patriotic fun loving, happy go lucky, bold and loud Americans. Often used to describe American military or people who mix comoflage and old glory patterns. Also used to describe Americans who live in the Bible belt.
The fact that Van Damme is Belgian is irrelevant because he played Guile in Street fighter

I'm visiting America to party with "Van Damme Americans."

by VanDammeAmerican March 20, 2023