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Dammit Phill

The source of or reason why something went wrong or referring in anger to the person who caused it. It's the reason why everything goes wrong in the world. aka It's always Phills' fault.

"I just got an F on my test! Dammit Phill why didn't I study!"

For when your friend trys to pick up a girl by complementing her purse. -"Dammit Phill that was creepy"

When you stub your toe. -"Dammit Phill"

by SMU Engineers January 18, 2012

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Dammit Jerry!

Comes from NBC's Parks and Recreation. This is a term used to express extreme disappointment, annoyance, frustration, disbelief, dismay, dumbfoundedness, or irritation at yet another dumb thing that Pawnee, Indiana Parka and Recreation Department employee Garry "Jerry" Gergich has done.

This term can be used generically to express the above reaction at any stupid thing that anyone does by replacing the person's real name with "Jerry."

TERRENCE: "Ugh. I just dropped my peanut butter and jelly sandwich on your laptop keyboard. Oops."

PHILLIP: "Dammit Jerry! You're such a Jerry!"

TERRENCE: "Who's Jerry?"

PHILLIP: "You are, idiot."

by RicoBHI August 30, 2012

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Dammit Miles

A plague on both your houses
Used as a curse when something bad happens to you blame the king of black magic, Miles

*drops book* Dammit Miles!
*Dies during gameplay* Dammit Miles

by applechicken December 25, 2013

Gosh Dammit

in between gosh darn it and god damn it. It sufficiently gets the point across in a frustrating situation

Person 1: hey dude that skinny bastard is writing you another parking ticket.

Person 2: Gosh Dammit i hate that kid

by Toddjg10 November 1, 2010

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me dammit

1. When god is frustrated, angry, sad, etc. he exclaims this instead of God dammit

God: Jesus clean your room!

Jesus: But dad!

God: me dammit do as you're told!

by Alcoholic Seman Thrower April 2, 2013

dammit steve

What you should say in the event that anything bad or displeasing happens

*trips and falls in cow manure*
Dammit Steve!

by Tut get January 21, 2015

Double Dammit

A stronger curse than the regular dammit, used mainly at an accident or large mistake, also called the double D word.

Ah Double Dammit, I broke my bottle off inside of that girl.

by Ruin April 14, 2005

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