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Dasha is usually a very voilent person when pushed and can become very obssesive over a certain thing or person. When put I a situation she I crap with good comebacks but none the less she is an awesome person to be friends with and can really make you laugh with her twisted humor.

Person 1: Who's that stalking that guy?
Person 2: I don't know probably a Dasha.

by Rainbowmathafudgingunicorn January 20, 2017

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


In East Europe it is a name for a creature (or human being) that looks like s sheep and is funny smelling. Makes high-pitch noises and is no good for anything.

Oh my God! This Dasha is the smelliest I have ever seen!

by Gnusko September 4, 2006

167๐Ÿ‘ 262๐Ÿ‘Ž


It literally means a perfect girl. An extremely beautiful, sweet and fun loving girl. The name Dasha is akin to the word Kugelblitz which means the hottest woman in the Universe (etymology: Dasha Taran of Krasnodar). The person carrying the name Dasha is usually known for being loyal to her friends and family. The name is synonymous with quirkiness, craziness and social butterfly but at the same time a quiet and reserve person. She loves taking selfies, enjoys photography and videography. The girl named Dasha is creative in her own unique way. This person loves animals especially cats and dogs, music, animes and matcha. This person has a great personality and a super hot body but a lot of people are jealous of her.

Dashaing is a verb which means spending an incredible amount of time watching Dasha on instagram, youtube and other platform. It is also used to describe a person editing videos or artwork in which the subject is a beautiful girl.

Don't touch the pot, it's still Dasha.

Mom: What are you doing inside your room? It's dinner time!
Kid: I'm still Dashaing Ma! I'll be there in 5 minutes!

Among those three beautiful girl, which one is more Dasha?

by November 23, 2021


Dasha is the type of girl who has no filter. She can talk all day, and never get bored. Youโ€™d be lucky to meet a Dasha. And ofc Every Dasha had a huge crush on a guy named Vadim.

person 1: Omg is that Dasha
person 2: Ya thatโ€™s her. but you better watch out.

person 1: why ?

person 2: Cause she has a crush on vadim.

by iknow March 5, 2021


Dasha = krasavitsa kotik
Dasha was one of the most important Queen of the World, wife of the King Riki

Dasha and Riki lived happily ever after

by 1D10TAKUSOK December 11, 2020


Fooled everyone for more than 24 hours and they were all wondering who it was behind the screen because they had nothing else to do. Dasha wrecked everyone and told them the truth of how the RIGHT wing is, well the RIGHT path. Also said about how democraps and libtards are deranged and those morons couldnโ€™t handle the truth and cried like a baby.

Dasha is not over yet and will come back for more

by Dried Crumbled Dead Leaves August 26, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


a whale or cow, a person who is extremely large and is exceptionally annoying and disgusting. Usually people find their presence unbearable.

Person 1: did you see dasha today?
Person 2: i wish i didn't!
Person 1: man, i feel sorry for you.
Person 2: HA! tell me about it.

by captainmorgan January 4, 2008

69๐Ÿ‘ 244๐Ÿ‘Ž