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Demi Lovato

Disney's newest manufactured star, however, unlike all of the others, actually possesses a good amount of talent and charm. Maybe not the best actress ever, however that may change when she is in a different environment and not surrounded by other people who are over acting to the extreme (I can't help but wonder if they are told to do so...) She does write and perform her own songs, a rarity for Disney. Not to mention her music does have a smidgen of originality in it, I only hope that she grows up to have a successful career as a legitimate artist and grows as a musician.

Person 1: Did you watch Camp Rock?
Person 2: *shudders* Yeah man... the only relief was Demi Lovato. She is a talented one, she is.
Person 2: That she is.

by AlisaAnne June 18, 2009

341๐Ÿ‘ 246๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

Disney Channel actress who makes really annoying movements while singing or dancing. She is most known for being a tool on the show "Sonny with a Chance" and also being overexcited and exaggerating about everything.

Kid A: hey did you see Demi Lovato singing "Myself in Time" on Disney
Kid B: Yeah she makes all these cringes during the song like she's trying to hide the fact she has to pee all the time

by C H A 12 L I E September 26, 2010

141๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

Most commonly used as a way to refer to someone who is untalented, ugly, or a combination of the two. Most specimens have a gap tooth and butt chin, and smile like an over excited two year old. Wears "edgy" clothing (skinny jeans, black t-shirts, and converse are ultra-awesome). Doesn't have any style or originality. Their music is mostly digitally altered with lots of really edgy lyrics about how totally in love it is. Confuses being bullied with being criticized, and cuts itself, because of all it's totally real emotions. Will be forgotten in a few years.

Girl 1: How do I look?
Girl 2: Oh my god! Take that off! You look like a Demi Lovato!
Girl 1: My outfit is that bad?
Girl 2: Yes! Also, you have a butt chin, and your voice makes my ears bleed.

by Demilovatolover November 23, 2010

164๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

An untalented actress and musician. Known for not singing, but yelling the words into a microphone.

I have to pick between Demi Lovato or an orange to do a duet with me. I'm picking the orange.

by KillTheDead December 23, 2010

143๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is a 16-year-old american singer/actress.
She is amazingly talented and is a disney star,she is also bestfriends with The Jonas Brothers,Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez. She has a non-famous best friend called Marissa Callahan. Demi can play the guitar,piano,tambourine and is currently being taught the drums by rumoured boyfriend Joe Jonas. She has an incredible voice and stars in her own television show 'Sonny With A Chance'. Lovato writes all her songs and has just finished working on her sophmore album.
Demi Lovato's Starred in her own movie,along side The Jonas Brothers,called 'Camp Rock'. Demi Played 'Mitchie Torres' an aspiring musician,who falls for bad boy rocker 'Shane Gray' played by Joe Jonas. This is were the rumors of a relationship between the close friends began.

Person 1:omg,have you heard demi lovato's new song?

Person 2:yeah,its awsome! her voice is amazing

Person 1:i know right! just like her television show

Person 2:arent her and hottie joe jonas dating??

Person 1:i dunno,but they make a cute couple

by jessiew1 May 29, 2009

179๐Ÿ‘ 226๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

Another Disney Star destined to be another train wreck although no early symptoms have been shown like her counterpart, Miley Cyrus.

Unlike Miley Cyrus, this girl actually has this thing that we can call voice or singing. Poor thing that such voice only sings manufactured pop. Thanks to Disney who earns billions from hardworking parents of slutty delusional tweens. They brainwash parents to thinking that she's a great role model to their kids while the tweens are forever corrupted thinking that Disney music and shows are these perfect masterpieces. What will become of our generation!
The classic Disneys used to be so wholesome.

That's it! Nothing special though. Looks like she's in her 40s. MILF, mother of 11. Sometimes like a tranny. Whatever, come on! The more thumbs down I get, will make me more popular as the definition with most thumbs down. Haaaah!

I also think that she's somewhat a hypocrite hiding behind the wholesome Disney image. She's definitely a depressed wristcutter. A nymphomaniac with 187 kinds of VDs and STDs. Furthermore, she took your precious hobo / faggot Joe Jonas. Ha ha ha ha!

I don't know there's just something not right with this girl. She does not have this Disney qualities. However suck she is, at least she can sing but too bad she sings shitty songs.

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm serious. o_O

Demi Lovato used to be a 43 year-old tranny and mother of 11.

Demi Lovato is a MILF because she used to be 43.

by Dame Lady BooBoo April 7, 2010

159๐Ÿ‘ 200๐Ÿ‘Ž

Demi Lovato

A child star with a promising future in music. I like her and I usually hate Disney stars. My cousins love JB and don't like her. I dispise JB and like Demi.

Demi Lovato is a much better buy then Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus or Hannie Montranny

by Twichikd98 June 29, 2009

152๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž