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Dimensional Crossroads

A supposed "Game Idea" made by a user on Gamefaqs that is so bad it is literally somewhat of a meme on the Current Events and Nonstop Gaming General boards.

It's a reminder of on how NOT to make a Video Game Idea.

"While your Game Idea isn't the greatest, at least it's not as bad as Dimensional Crossroads."

by BigKahn August 24, 2012

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Down Multi-Dimensionally

One must ascend to a godlike state of mind to even comprehend what being down multi-dimensionally is like. Until humanity is able to transcend and blink between parallel realities, witness time as a construct, being down multi-dimensionally can only be reduced to a form of horniness that is so desperate that one is willing to travel between different dimensions and realities to find anything to copulate with.

If we are ever fortunate or (unfortunate) enough to ever witness an instance of being down multi-dimensionally, it will be a level of low too mind-blowing to comprehend or explain. The average human would surely descend into madness upon witnessing someone being down multi-dimensionally, or become enlightened.

A category 5 down bad, not to be confused with category 2 down horrendous, category 3 down cataclysmic, or category 4 down universally.

"Did you hear about what happened to Timmy four years ago?"
"Yeah, didn't he claim to witness someone being down multi-dimensionally?"
"Yeah. He's been staring at that wall ever since."
Timmy: "ร…ห†ร˜รหœห†ยจหœโ€žล’ห†ยจหœรŽห†ยจหœหœยจห†หœรร”๏ฃฟหœรŸรฅโˆ†หœโˆ‚รŸรฅโˆ‚โˆ†หœ"

by Ugly dirtbag May 28, 2021

Dimensionally Challenged Penis

A penis that is either one of the following sizes/shapes: (1) very long and skinny.A.K.A the noodle dick (2) Very short and fat. A.K.A the soup can dick.

I couldn't decide if he has a good penis. It was sufficient in one dimension but lacking in another. I guess he has a dimensionally challenged penis.

by Squeeboy October 17, 2010

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Fourth Dimensional Brain

A brain that's so astronomically large, that it's not even in this dimension.

Josh: *Gets shot in the head and survives*
Doctor: How did you survive?
Josh: My brain isn't even in this dimension.
Doctor: Shit, this legend has a fourth dimensional brain.

by UTOI November 30, 2018

non-dimensional joke

When someone attempts to make a 1-dimensional joke but instead makes a joke that lacks even the slightest hint of a shallow dimension. To make it worse, the joke often contains stereotypical, dorky, and/or unfiltered humor and references and is still not funny.

The joke often results in complete silence and awkwardness.

Patrick: *Making a cocktail*
Group of Girls: What drink are you making?
Patrick: Corpse Reviver -- but I'm so tired right now, this drink won't even revive me!
Everyone: *Silence*
Kory: Now THAT was a non-dimensional joke!

by karsick August 15, 2018

1-dimensional joke

When a joke lacks depth or multiple dimensions but you still can't help it but laugh. The joke often contains stereotypical, dorky, and/or unfiltered humor and references.

This is not to be confused with a non-dimensional joke, which results in complete silence and awkwardness.

In a text or chat context, it is often shortened as '1D'.

Patrick: Do you know why his nickname is TT?
Kory: Why?
Patrick: Because his length and width are the same -- like a TatorTot!
Both: HAHA!
Kory: Such a 1-dimensional joke, bro!

by karsick August 13, 2018

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two-dimensional organism

A type of mythical creature in the science-fiction/fantasy world that exists in only two dimensions. Is incapable of seeing the third dimension. The most notable feature is that it is required to eat and excrete out of the same orfice. That is, if the digestive system had 2 openings, it would cut the organism in two.

A two-dimensional organism's mouth is also its anus.

Even an ameoba is not a two-dimensional organism.

by Braveheart's thirst for blood May 31, 2007

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