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dragonfly tap

When you hover your penis like a dragonfly over a girls face with her tongue out and then let it hit tongue and to back up like a dragonfly lands

I got to give my girl a dragonfly tap last night

by Rusty_buckets124 June 4, 2022

Dragonfly orgy

When you're in an inner tube on the lake and two mating dragonflies land on your toes.

Yo!! I was at the lake and I had the craziest dragonfly orgy ever!!

by Kiwi loco July 19, 2017

Dragonfly dangler

The act of having sexual intercourse, anal, oral, whatever pleases you, while jumping on a trampoline(:

Dude, Ellie and Frankie were just doing the dragonfly dangler at TAGS Gymnastics!

by tanktoptwisters February 25, 2011

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Dragonfly Syndrome

A condition of a person, typically a edgy teen, who brags about doing drugs. Posts videos of smoking out of a bong with a description of how it changed their thoughts on existential life. Thier mom is a wash out prostitute who looks 80 at the age of 40. Dad left for cigarettes and never came back. Born out of a wine glass.

Nobody cares about your trips, you have dragonfly syndrome.

by Liploss April 20, 2020

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clench of the dragonfly

A for profit clench/schism/subsect of the Church of the Subgenius, with a specific intent to buy out J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, own and dominate, the Church of the Subgenius.

A fraternal club of freaks, weirdos, and other unusual creatures.

Your grounded for going to that "Clench of the Dragonfly" cult meeting.

Joining the "Clench of the Dragonfly" is the stupidest idea ever.

Those greedy bastards at "Clench of the Dragonfly" will never raise the 5.5 billion dollars needed to buy out "Bob"

by Doktor Agon Fly January 14, 2004

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An assassin with automatic weapons escaping without restraint , pushing limits on a crotch rocket or dirt-bike.

23 year old suspect killed in a brazen daylight dragonfly firefight downtown this morning

by Chadillac94 March 18, 2018

Dragonfly kisses

After achieving anal prolapse tickling the rosebud with tip of dick

It’s so cute when he gives Me dragonfly kisses after hard anal

by Gimmeliberty August 9, 2022