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The word dump means a very large amount of human waste also hard to wipe ur backside once done, people who "dump" have usually eaten alot an overly normal amout people who have normally consumed far above their normal diet.

Ben: i had a dump
Harry: did u wipe ur arse properly
Ben: yeh it took ages
Harry: u fat bugger

Harry: what ya doin man?
Ben: im dumping on ya toilet.
Harry: oh no make sure ya clean ya ass

by Pierce B & Haz t January 26, 2007

15๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


A very tight, round, large ass.

When a girl walks in and she has a dump you yell ''DAMN, SHE GOTTA DUMP!!!''

Ray: look at that chick that just walked in!

Mike: dayum she gotta dump!

by dickinabutt May 24, 2010

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When a girl is a whore, or in other words a cumdumpster. To be politically correct talking to your guy friends around a girl, instead of saying hoe, whore, slut, skank, just say dump.

"Wow look at her, she's such a dump."

"Damn nigga why your girl such a dump."

"That dress looks pretty dumpy."

by Johnathen Baker October 5, 2009

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to take an illegal drug in the form of a pill.

Did you know Tom Houston dumped last night?

by Tom Krisenthal October 1, 2005

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Pee pee poo poo

My dump is full of pee

by Amaricancitygirl973 March 9, 2021


A versatile word that could mean basically anything. It can refer to something being great or horrible. It can refer to a person. It can also be used as an expression of surprise or anguish.

1. You're such a dump!

2. Jeff: That chick was hot!
Andre: Yeah! She was dumpin'!

3. Johnny thought the trainwreck of a dance was dumpy.


by Springfieldbuffalo October 2, 2011


1- It's used for dumb people but in a higher meaning
2- It's used instead of saying: you're a shit dumb
3- Used for people when they say something stupid or something boring

Matthew: you see that man, i don't fucking like him, he's dumb!
Patrick: yeah! we've been in touch, and he's a dump!

Victor: i've almost finished my project, and you screw it up ! you dump!

by FelixB222XD July 7, 2018

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