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Duplex Closet

Where a bi-sexual comes out from.

She just came out of the duplex closet and admit she was bisexual.

by rukia7819 August 1, 2010

Duplex Folk

A person or group of people residing in a home that has been cut in half. Their funds, family, education, goals, and brain have been cut in half in efforts to match their living space.

Hey Mike, you know you shouldnโ€™t be hanging out with those duplex folk any more because youโ€™ll end up with half of everything you own.

by RemmyRed June 1, 2019

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Polish Duplex

Same as a Milwaukee Duplexexcept that it incorporates oral sex instead of vaginal sex.

"I didn't get to go all the way but Michelle and Gina gave me a Polish duplex last night."

by Milwaukee Guy June 12, 2007

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Eiffel Duplex

The Eiffel Duplex is preformed somewhat like an Eiffel Tower, only in this case there are 2 women. While they make out with each other, two men doing them from behind high five.

Ruben and I totally Eiffel Duplexed those two bitches from the party last night!!

by DuppyMaster6969 May 9, 2010

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duplex bonder

A made-up test answer on electronics tests to fool the idiots who did not study for the test. Those who use this answer will get a certificate from the American Idiot Association (AIA).

Who the fuck put "Duplex Bonder" for #3?

by MadMax98 August 8, 2017

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Duplex Argument

A two part argument wherein the first part is a nod to the high road followed by the second part wherein the speaker reveals their real argument rooted in ignorance. Common argument style seen on FOX news.

Example: โ€œOf course the Islamic Cultural Centre has a right to be located near ground zero however they arenโ€™t being very sensitive to how people feel (Read: not being sensitive to speakerโ€™s bigotry). That's a duplex argument.

by FightBigotry September 9, 2010

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duplex copy

duplex copy

duplex copy

by October 19, 2020