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Chase the Edible

A game where you engage in an activity that ideally and/or is safely done when sober after eating something infused with a drugβ€”an edible. The game is to see if one can finish this activity or get most of it done before feeling the effects of the edible.

My friends and I played Chase the Edible as we did our five-hour long accounting homework.

by Dudebrodude123 October 7, 2019

Edible inspiration

When working or studying and one goes to the fridge for food.

When you feel bad or have a lack of energy, and after food you feel better and up for it.

i was feeling so rought i diddn't want to come out tonight, but after some edible inspiration I felt great!

by jackhowell24 December 11, 2010

edible panties

panties that you can eat

Mandi's edible panties were amazinggg

by Tamara Alves October 19, 2007

27πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Edible smashed

The point at which an edible high becomes like a shroom high

Billy was so "edible smashed" that he was freestyling into his cup for the microphone effect.

by Thedude85 October 12, 2021

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sexualy Edible

Used to describe a food that can be eatin in a sexual manor.

A banana, yogurt, actually pretty much anything... "Wow Tony, you made that banana sexualy edible"

by Tyler Corperation April 3, 2009

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

edible arrangement

when a member of the opposite sexes genitalia looks so delicious you could eat it.

Hey Baby, I just love your edible arrangement!

by rene bootmaker December 17, 2011

21πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

business edible

when food or drink is spilled on work clothing.

Jim's shirt has enough salsa down the front to make it business edible.

by PogoMojo July 27, 2011