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The best thing you will ever know, if you know someone with the name Ernes you can be happy because Ernes is a sexy woman and a cute woman she is great at all. Ernes is the best person on this World

Omg did you see Ashley is such an Ernes

by Todd Rodney December 26, 2022


Ov ah heng

Kdm ah ern

by Ern Jmr May 17, 2021


-it’s just ern, there’s no other way to put it
-could be a nick name used for others

ERN” “ern whats up?!”

by lol-lol...lol October 22, 2018


An individual that is High on Wack

“I like crayons”, ERN, stop being high on wack

by Wackalo April 19, 2018

Ern Chii

Ern Chii's are very special, they tend to be extremely adorable and intelligent. They are funny, nice and can easily make people smile from ear to ear! Their not usually in the centre of attention and often is the popular girl's best friend, but this doesn't mind them! They prefer to watch at the side and laugh along.

popular girl: *laughs Ern chii, you are so funny!
Ern Chii: Haha, thanks!

by aMaZingdEvil February 5, 2020


Ownage of the highest order. Used only under extreme circumstance when multiple ownages occur simultaneously or when a boot heel is planted into a noobs face.

Fat man trips and tumbles tumbles down a flight of stairs.

My reaction- Great balls of Erned!

by Beefus August 25, 2009