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wnt fre robx

The phrase of a 5-yr-old who wants your account

wnt fre robx i have a cool thing give me your password ok

by Nebula_S September 21, 2019

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fre shavoca do

A type of chicken that you can get at my petchicken.com

I have a fre shavoca do

by fre shavocado January 13, 2017

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fre shavoc ado

when McDonalds is trying to sell fresh avocado but we know dang well it's processed

eww look they're selling fre shavoc ado.

by Yosniel December 22, 2017

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fre shavoca do

Fresh Avocado

At the store I like to buy some fre shavoca do.

by Etherealistix May 12, 2016

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Fre shava cado

It is a term used by children at age 5 when they can’t say fresh avocado sponsored by del taco

Child: mom can o have fre shava cado for lunch

by And I ooooop skskskksks October 22, 2019

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fre sh a vaca do

An alternate pronunciation of the words Fresh Avacado.

Come on down to Del Taco, they've got a new thing called Fre sh a vaca do!

by AWildZapdos May 1, 2016

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Fre sh ava cado

The meaning is fresh avacado

Come to del taco there's a fre sh ava cado

by Urban Sayian October 17, 2017

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