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Saucy fellow

A term in William Shakespeares โ€œJulius Caesarโ€ most likely referring to Kanye West.

Your saucy like the Kanye fellow.
Kim K thought Kanye was looking very saucy today.

Your a very saucy fellow today a mate.

by Hehaelder August 26, 2022

Fellows Effect

When a person's ego and general refusal to follow recommendations makes them late for an important event.

They were plagued by a case of the Fellows effect. Needless to say they were late for everything.

by Thanxalotl August 11, 2015

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yellow fellows

A group of gentelmen being cool and listening to the beatles while worrying about the environment

If I dye my hair blue I will look like a yellow fellows

by Brittany shakspeares December 1, 2018

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Mellow Fellow

A man that is calmer than usual, popularized by the song "Mellow Fellow" by B.o.B.

"why is that dood reading at the UFC game"
"i dunno, he's a mellow fellow"

by Two-Thousand and DREW March 26, 2010

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Fallopian Fellow

one who fondly fiddles with fallopian tubes

The fallopian fellow fiddled fondly with the ovaries, uterus, labia, and fallopian.

by Big Boiii November 8, 2006

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Switzer Fellow

A total and complete badass, particularly as it relates to changing the world for the better. Most often recognized for leadership capabilities in the environmental realm, the Switzer Foundation has been known to award their prestigious fellowships to individuals who advance sustainability in other ways, such as environmental justice.

"Hey, did you see that special on PBS where that Switzer Fellow was bashing the new coal plant proposed in the low rent district?" "Yeah, that total badass will help save thousands of poor kids from exposure to pollution."

by boozylabelle January 11, 2012

Chicken Fellow

A human being with the potential to be better but decides to stay dumb. Also used to describe a puny virgin boy.

Example#1: You're a Chicken Fellow
Example#2: Damnnn, that guy's a Chicken Fellow

by Dante0408 August 26, 2021