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Finlay is the hottest, most attractive man on the planet. Not only for his horse cock but also because heโ€™s so loving and kind. Heโ€™s unintentionally funny and loves brie.

Girl: omg whos that stud

Finlays friend: heโ€™s finlay, u stand no chance hes a 234667432/10

Girl:what id do for him

*drools everywhere*

by BigPP647373 January 21, 2022


A guy who is bad at warzone

My friend: Dies in COD
Me: You're such a Finlay!!

by Cricketpoggers420 April 28, 2021


The most loved human to ever live, an absolute sex machine that gets all the girls lacking. His humongous penis even attracts the straights of men. Don't mess with him or you will receive the D.

Girl: "I would let him do things i would never let my boyfriend!" Finlay Hill Defined

by youthFoundation01 May 26, 2021


A beautiful girl. She's amazing and pretty although she doubts it. She may compare herself to others "better" than her, but she is perfect, unlike them. She has a personality, and isn't fake. But she can get led on.. by the fuckboys. But she'll always have her friends, cuz they're always there for her no matter what. She shouldn't doubt herself, because she really is loved !!

Finlay, simply a name usually shorted to fin x

by GuessWhoXx February 2, 2017

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


Finlay is an amazing friend with a monster cock and heโ€™s fucked so much girls in his life. Youโ€™d get creampied everyday with him around

Girl: omg I had Finlayโ€™s cock last night it was massive

by Captainpusssssy January 13, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hot, smart, has lots of friends(popular) and good pretty much everything

Finlay is good at everything.

by Go fortnite February 15, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boy that loves busses and is a plane addict

Omfg finlay is sooo into busses

by Marthhaaaaaaaaa October 19, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž