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Slang term for cocaine

"Dude, you look fucked."
"Yeah man, I'm on flake."

by Curiosal September 21, 2014

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Someone who doesn't have the balls to tell you they're busy and can't hang out, but still makes plans to 'chillax' so you go out of your way to 'chill' with said flaker, only to have them flake out on you, and then give you some lame ass no ball excuse instead of just being straight up that they're a flakey flake

Per Wall 'Wanna hang out'
Dumb Girlfriend 'Hehehe OK'
Dumb Girlfriend at meet spot, No Per wall at meeting spot

Per Walls Dumb excuse 'I was skateboarding'

Dumb girlfriend crying on phone to friend 'He is such a flake'

by Dumb Girlfriend April 9, 2009

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A twitch streamer who promises their viewers a 24 hour stream but quits very early. This behavior is typically seen in male tft streamers who make fun of people on the autism spectrum and use attractive female streamers as beards.

Steve - "Yo Dave are you excited for K3soju's 24 hour stream tomorrow?" Dave - "hahaha excited? that dude is a hardcore flake. I'd be surprised if he lasted 6 hours."

by BlenderResidentSleeper December 26, 2019


Someone who doesn't follow through on plans.

Yo Lebron James, why Kodi such a flake?

by lil J #kodiwack February 24, 2017


A confusing/disappointing person whom you have misjudged as a reliable, that continues to vote party lines.

And is appropriately named Jeff Flake, the Arizona Senator.

Jeff Flake called for a postponement of the Kavanaugh vote, as if he cared. Then flaked out and voted with the party of deplorables anyway.

by Angry snowflake in Detroit October 7, 2018


Someone who constantly ditches you last minute when you make plans. This type of person will continually promise you that they will be there or that this will be the last time they ditch you but they are lying.

"Hey Laurence, have you seen Amanda today?"
"No Justin, I haven't. She's such a flake!"

by Drag4d April 25, 2018


Someone who completely leaves people hanging constantly, this person will constantly cancel on plans or do things on their own without any care of whether a friend would like to join them.

"Yeah, Porkins is such a fucking flake. He never wants to hang out with us and constantly would rather do things on his own."

by Failur3 August 21, 2017