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Fortnite players

A Fortnite player is a cancerous being which will unfortunately soon die of ligma. Tooooo honor those who have served in the gamer war we will sing the fortnite national anthem. TaKe Me To YoUr XBox tO PlAy FoRtniTe tOdaY yOuR cAn TaKe mE tO MoIsTy Mirressos bUts noT lOot LaKe I REALLY want To ChUg jUg witH yOu wE cAn Be PrO foRtnite gAmErs.

YOU: Woah a Fortnite gamer! I've never seen one in the wild before!
Someone: Yeah they're very common but will soon die of ligma :(
You: Lets sing their national anthem :(
Random person : Fortnite players are cancerous but we'll sing

by FIG.fudgingdtx December 12, 2018

7👍 2👎

Fortnite player

Another word for a gay man who is in to REALLY gay things

Man 1 : Archie Rees is a Fortnite player.
Man 2 : He honestly disgusts me.

by Freddie Mayes July 24, 2019

20👍 11👎

Fortnite player

A virgin

Bruh, you're such a fortnite player

by Karen_42069 November 21, 2019

4👍 2👎

Fortnite player

This species is common all over the world don’t tell this species to get off fortnite because it will use its self defense technique on you by yelling “SHUT UP I HATE YOU” if you tell it to get off fortnite this species has no mate to mate with so instead of getting a mate it will play fortnite instead.And this species will yell “I HATE THIS GAME” when it’s been playing for 27 days and 16 hours.The life span of this creature depends on how long it plays and how old it is if it’s 1-20 and plays fornite a lot it’s life span is 0.0000000000000001 Geo-Seconds if it’s 1-20 and it doesn’t play fortnite a lot it will live the average life span of a human if it is 21-80 and it plays fornite a lot this creature will immediately die after it’s born if it’s 21-80 it will also live the average life span of a human.

“Get off the game” the fortnite players mother said “SHUT UP I HATE YOU” the fortnite player said

by PewdipieFan483548263 February 8, 2019

4👍 2👎

Fortnite player

tryhard kids that are commonly found in basements 24/7 a day that think playing one game makes them a gamer. A fortnite player is also one of the most toxic people to live. When someone calls fortnite "trash" 99.9% of the responses are "REaL GaMErS ReSPecT AlL GAmES" wich is an invalid response because fallout 76 exists.

"Hey BIlly do you want to play fortnite?"
"No because im not a fortnite player."

by An actual gamer July 24, 2020

4👍 2👎

Fortnite Player

A gay person. As a former gay person myself I am ashamed to have played fortnite. I came out as gay to my mam and she didnt care. But when I said I played fortnite she immediately disowned me.

Tom: I’m a Fortnite Player

by CheezyClit69 January 1, 2021

fortnite player

just mentaly ill.

eeeewwww kevin isnt a fortnite player

by ijustcameformyname October 29, 2019