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Ghetto Fundamental

Understanding and abiding to the rules, etiquettes, and codes of the streets. Someone who is street wise will behave in a way that is ghetto fundamental. This includes everything from hustling, slinging hoes, and running with the dope game.

"To survive on the streets is rough. You need to be ghetto fundamental if you want to make it these days."

by DJ Triggahappy December 10, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rational Fundamentalism

Rational Fundamentalism is a form of secular fundamentalism that's full based on rationalism, it seeks on the use of the philosophy of rationalism and positivism in order to justify secular fundamentalism and atheist fundamentalism as well, often calling religious, spiritual, extraphysical, supernatural and immaterial beliefs as "irrational" and fighting them anywhere and all the time. A good example of rational fundamentalism is rational imperialism, that takes rational fundamentalism into a way that all kinds of religious, spiritual, extraphysical, supernatural and immaterial beliefs, also including feelings and empathy, must be countered and everyone must follow rationalism, scientism, positivism and physicalism as its main beliefs.

"Rational Fundamentalism and Rational Imperialism are really common nowadays, they only show about how can rationalism, new atheism, anti-theism, materialism, physicalism, scientism and positivism so violent and aggressive nowadays, and how they all are no different from religious fundamentalism and of those who they call as "irrational"."

by Full Monteirism April 22, 2021


The adherence to anti-religious ideology that militantly ridicules, mocks, scorns and satirizes the idea of the existence of a deity or deities and or religion, indifferent of feelings of bigotry intolerance hatred and persecution that adherents feel as a result. That does not respect religion or support policies supporting the freedom of it. Calls for its abolition or severe restriction & for religion to removed from public life. Puts forth fact-based arguments, propaganda & bullying and insults as tactics to push adherents to abandon their professed beliefs and or convert them into like-minded individuals. They regard religion as inherently harmful. Secular-Fundamentalists aren't themselves religious by definition however their attitudes regarding their beliefs mimic many religious fundamentalists so much so that the manner of their expression of their beliefs is often indistinguishable in form, from their religious fundamentalist counterparts. They commonly use a myriad of semantical arguments to avoid being labelled and most often use the internet to spread their message. They ignore rational counter-arguments regardless if it is supernatural or science based. They may exhibit obsessive-compulsive behavior regarding religion and related issues often taking disproportionate offence to even subtle outward expressions of religious belief and feeling compelled to constant dispell religious ideas. One may or may not subscribe to a deity to follow this ideology.

A soldier returns from Iraq and places a cross on the military base at camp Pendelton to memorialize his fallen comrades. Secular-Fundamentalists sue to remove it because it is on public property.

The opening of the church of the flying spaghetti monster to satirize and mock the idea of religion is a an example of how Secular-Fundamentalism works to reduce the seriousness of religious adherence into something to ridicule.

Canadian Secular-Fundamentalist complains to human rights commission that he is a victim of religious bigotry because his co-workers said a prayer before they ate when he was at the table.

Secular-Fundamentalists file a lawsuit over the 9/11 memorial cross being included in a museum as an historical artifact.

Secular-fundamentalists make calls to remove tax exemptions on Buddhists, Christians, Muslims and Jews, hindu's and sikhs etc in arguments that they should pay their "fair share" knowing full well that the majority of religious institutions could no longer afford to operate under those circumstances and therefore shut down making it the overall taxation of little financial value but cause significant damage to religion and deny adherents their freedom to practice religion.

atheist-fundamentalism atheistic-fundamentalism anti-religion anti-theism satanism

by Maurice Caldeira May 27, 2012

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fundamental orifice

A 'polite' term for the male or female anus. See puckered rosebud

I say! You! You Hugh! Hugh Grant, you're a bit of a, that is if you don't mind my observing, if it's not too much trouble etc you're something of a fundamental orifice you old stick you!

by Mark November 25, 2003

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Ideas of basic Griffy baseball knowkedge that may be lost during a specific time

Jut: "There, I took all of your fundament(s) away!"

Nik: "Fundamental baseball" (After base hit)

by Szweet Jeszusz February 19, 2009

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fundamental idiot

A dumb group of kids who have no life

Me-I have no life

Kid-then your a fundamental idiot

by A Duke chicken that is drunk May 9, 2019

fundamental basketball

What your racist uncle says what the issue is with basketball while watching an NBA game. Itโ€™s a dog whistle meaning that they donโ€™t like the black players. They usually idolize Larry Bird.

Uncle JimBob: The problem with the NBA is that they donโ€™t focus on fundamental basketball. Thatโ€™s why college is better.

by QuaYLAT September 29, 2020