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A furball is when a hairy scrotum that looks like wild mike off of barnyard is being sucked off by a female.

"Yea dude that bitch furballed my wild mike last night. That shit felt great."

"Damn dude I heard Maggie sounded like a cat when she was coughed up my furball"

by RideMyGoodWood September 24, 2018


Furball is a slur against people who hide themselves, such as, Furrys, Cosplayers, Nuns, And more. It’s a disgusting derogatory term that is quite hateful and has been used to hate crime people who Hide. at cosplay/furry cons Never call them a Furball.

“Your a furball!”

by all my stuff is a joke March 26, 2021


A large collection of players fighting in War Thunder

Don’t just fly right into the furball, you’ll die straight away

by Bigdaddy4206969696969 June 29, 2024