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ethan garner

ethn is a name given to crackheads who have gotten rejected at least once in a primary school preferably catholic ones eg holy family. they also must be an australian scum with a huge obsession for fake animals that fight.

ethan garner is a twat

by not josh ok bye October 21, 2019

Tragic: The Garnering

The addictive game of cards in the videogame Fallout 2.

A parody on "Magic: The Gathering".

"Tragic: The Garnering is the most addictive thing since Jet." - Wooz

by Mathy Dunefarm October 14, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jennifer Garner

One of the hottest women to ever walk this planet.

A: Hey dude thats the hottest woman ive ever seen!
B: I know thats Jennifer Garner.

by Arpi November 7, 2004

338๐Ÿ‘ 191๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner is quite an actress and watching her performing and working out is pretty inspiring! She also has an interesting cooking video with cute recipes. Her highlight is in "Daredevil", playing Elektra Natsious (Greek family name).

Who doesn't love watching Jennifer Garner as Elektra in the 2003 film "Daredevil" opposite Ben Affleck and Collin Farrell? If you work out regularly like Jennifer Garner, your body will be as amazing.

by Cinnamonroll080 August 19, 2019

Jennifer Garner

One of the hottest girls ever...
stars on a show called Alias.

The only reason people watch Alias is because of Jennifer Garner.

by Anonymous July 7, 2004

221๐Ÿ‘ 171๐Ÿ‘Ž

Ghetto Garner

the most ghetto school in Emerica

Kendall and Josh go to Ghetto Garner.

by Kendall Presidente September 24, 2006

28๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty Garner

A Dirty Garner is when you stuff you dick in peanut butter and then lick it off with any family member.

Hey anyone here want to have a dirty garner.

by Somebody living on planetEarth October 21, 2020